part 7- the morning after

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You woke up to an arm around your waist and someone spooning you. You turn your head trying not to wake them up. You gasp at who it was you immediately looked down under the covers to see if you still had clothes on. Luckily you did.

"Morning y/n" Tom said

"I didnt wake you up did i?" you ask turning to look at him.

"No you didn't don't worry." He smiled

"Do you remember anything that happend last night?" You ask only remembering a few things.

"Yeah when you got here Eric gave us some shots about an hour later you invited some of your friends over. then one of them suggested we play spin the bottle so we did and then we... kissed. And we walked into the room and then you started taking your top off, but I stopped you because I didn't think sober you would want that." He said.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." you said highly embarrassed.

"It's ok we were both really drunk I blame Eric" he says you just reply with a laugh. You hopped out of bed slinking off to the kitchen in search for Panadol which you found in the cupboard. You turned on the tap getting some water.

"Hey y/n" said a groggy voice behind you.

"Omg you scared the shit out of me" you say turning to see Jeff.

"I tell you what when Eric wakes up I'm gonna be so annoyed he's the reason we are all hungover."

"I know right I'm never drinking again" you say looking past Jeff to see Tom.

"My head hurts!" Tom complained heading over to the cupboard that has the Panadol.

"I think I might head home now guys I'm so tired right now." You said yawning.

"You shouldn't drive while your tired you can just sleep here if you want." Tom said looking at you.

"Ok I suppose." You say heading over to the lounge.

"Where are you going?" Tom asks.

"To the lounge." You reply laying down on it.

"No no no you can sleep in my room." He said walking over you you.

"Are you sure?" You ask in which he just nods his head. He took you both to his room and you both got in bed.

"Sleep tight." Tom said.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite" you said remembering how you always used to. You drifted off to sleep cuddling Tom just like you used too.

*4th of February 2023*

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