Part 9- at the pub

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After a lot of drinks you were all really drunk.

"Omg do you remember that time when we stole my parents vodka and drank it on my roof and we nearly fell off!" You laughed as you and Tom shared old memories with everyone.

"I remember that haha I was so scared I screamed like a little bitch!" Tom added as he grabbed his stomach.

"guys I think we should go now." Jeff was the only one not drunk so he was going to drive.

"Oh... ok..." you sighed standing up with a wobble.

"Y/n why don't you stay at our place tonight?" Tom smiled walking over next to you.

"Okay sounds good." You say walking out the door and hopping into the back of the car. With Tom next to you and Eric in the passenger seat.

You turn you head to meet toms eyes.

"It's been really nice now that we're talking again." Tom said staring into your eyes.

"It has been..." you added. "You know I missed you a lot Tom. I always used to think about you." Without another word you and Tom leaned in. You closed your eyes and felt his soft lips on yours. You kissed Tom not long ago but this was different. More passionate or something.

"Finally!" Eric shouted turning around to look at you and Tom. "You guys should get back together right now!" You hid your hair to embarrassed to look at anyone.

"I wouldn't mind that." Tom chuckled.

You arrived home shortly after that. You were sleeping in Toms bed with him.

You crawled into the sheets as he walked in doing the same.

"You know what I said in the car... about not minding getting back together." He said turning to you. " I really did mean it. I mean I think I have fallen for you all over again...

This is short but I needed to speed things up a little. Stay tuned for next chapter cause you never know what might happen 🤷‍♀️

*7th of April 2023*

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