part 6- lunch

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"You look nice today" you said while looking at the menu

"Thank you doll you look nice too." He replied looking up from the menu. You hid behind the menu trying to cover your blush.

"You still blush when I compliment you just like when we were younger." He smiled while shaking his head.

"I do not" you said while trying to stop.

"Yes you do"

"No I dont"



"Yeah you do"

"No I don't"

"Yes, yes you do" he said with a chuckle.

"Uh whatever" you say pretending to be annoyed. He let a small sigh while shaking his head.

"I see your still just as stubborn"

"I am not" you laugh while playfully rolling your eyes. Just then the waiter came over.

"What can I get you guys today?" She asked while looking at Tom.

"Just a salad today thanks" you say with a small smile.

"Ok!" The lady said not even looking at you.

"And can I get a cheese burger please" Tom asked with a smile.

"Of course" she said "and what will you be wanting for the drink?"

"A wine please" you said.

"Yep!" she said giving you a dirty look.

"Excuse me if you are going to be rude to me because of your jealousy that I'm out for lunch with Tom Keifer then you can leave and we will get another waiter thanks." You say with a smile

"Whatever" she huffed turning on her heel.

"Wow!" Tom looked at you wide eyed.

"Oh well she deserved it." You said "she needed to be put in her place." Tom just laughed at your comment.

*after lunch*

"I had a really good time today Tom" you smile at him as you walk to the car.

"I had a good time too Y/N." He smiled back. You hopped in the car and drove home.

You both walk up to your front door.

"Thank you for today Tom I had and amazing time." You say giving him a big hug.

"No problem it's always an amazing time when im with you." He winked. You felt yourself go Scarlett.

After Tom had left you, went into the kitchen to find your phone ringing.

"Hello y/n speaking."

"Hey y/n its Eric we were wondering if you wanted to come over tonight and have a few drinks with us?"

"I would love to what time should I come over?"

"Whenever we aren't doing anything."

"Ok il just get into something more comfy then il be right there." You smiled

"Perfect, bye y/n"

"Bye Eric."

After you hung up you went upstairs and got changed into something more comfortable and got into the car.

You went up and knocked on the door. It was opened by a happy Eric.

"Hey y/n!" He shouted.

"Are you drunk?" you laugh as he put his arm around you and guided you into the lounge room.

"Hey y/n" the boys said.

"Hey I'm jon" a man next to Tom said.

"Hey I'm y/n." You smile as you sit on the other side of Tom.

"Who's up for shots" Eric shouted while passing you one.

"What is it?" You asked looking down at it.

"It's vodka" Eric said passing one to the rest of the boys. You poured the liquid into your mouth as it trickled down your burning throat causing you to cough. Everyone started laughing at you as you cough.

"You good y/n?" Asked Tom holding in a laugh.

"Yeah I'm good" you choked. Everyone else took theirs and was fine.

About an hour had passed and you were all off your face.

"Do you guys mind if I invite some of my girlfriends over?" You slur

"Are they hot?" Eric slured

"You will have to see for yourself" you say walking over to the phone and calling them.

About half an hour later you heard a knock on the door and you quickly ran to get it.

"Hey guys come in." You say feeling a little better than before. They all come in and you introduce them to the boys.

"Boys this is Ella, Sarah, Hannah, and Gabby, girls this is Tom, Eric, Fred, Jeff and Jon." You say pointing to everyone.

*an hour later the rest of the girls were drunk*

"Hey everyone why don't we play spin the bottle" Sarah giggled

"Yeah sure" Jeff said

You all sit down in a circle around a beer bottle.

"Ok il spin first" said Jon as he spun the bottle and it landed on Gabby. Jon didn't even say anything he just moved closer and kissed her.

"My turn!" Said Tom grabbing the bottle and spinning it. You start to get anxious as it slows down right next to you. And as expected it landed on you.

"Ohhhhhhh" said Fred as he saw it landed on you.

"Oh shhh." You quite them as you leaned forward close to Tom. You let out a shaky breath.

"Don't worry we've done lots more than just kiss before doll." Tom whispered in your ear so that only you could hear. You feel your face go bright red as he said that but you just grabbed his face and kissed him. As the kiss deepent everyone started shouting "Get a room." So that's what you did. He stood up guiding you to his room were you continued kissing. You pulled away to catch a breath as you layed down on the bed expecting you to be followed by Tom. But he just stood there until he spoke.

"I don't want to take advantage of you while you are drunk I don't think sober you would want it." He said. You didn't have any energy to argue you just layed down and invited Tom to lay down were you both fell asleep in each other's arms.


Ahhhhh I wrote this all in a few days and I'm so proud this is the most I have written so far I hope you guys liked it. I will start working on a new chapter Tomorrow.


*8th of January 2023*

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