part 4- dinner

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"Oh come on, we know you like him" said Eric

"WHAT!" You wisper yell, looking over at Tom who was at the counter ordering.

"Oh come on Y/n we aren't naive he likes you too." Fred chuckled, looking over at Tom then back to you.

"You can just admit it y/n we are your friends," Eric said, smirking at you.

"Fine I like him a little, okay." You sigh watching him walk back to the table.

"What were you guys talking about?" Asked Tom, looking around the table. Eric went to open his mouth but you jumped in.

"Oh, nothing, just talking about our favourite bands." You said glaring at Eric to just chuckled looking back at you. A few seconds later, the other boys start laughing.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Asked Tom giving Eric a confused look.

"Oh, just y/n's crush." Smirked Eric. There was a few seconds of silence until the boys started giggling again. There giggled quickly, turned into laughs that sounded like yells. Tom just turned to you.

"So y/n who is your crush?" Tom asked giving you a look that made you blush.

"Oh, no one, the boys are just being jerks." You shrug trying your best to seem believable.

"Sure," Tom said, smirking, turning away from you to face the boys. " I will find out who it is Whether or not, it's the last thing I do." You felt your cheeks get red as you looked at the ground. Later, the pizza arrived.

"Here you go" said the waiter as she handed over the pizzas.

"Thank you," said Tom with a big smile. He placed them all over the table. Everyone was eating when you felt the need to go to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna be right back I'm just going to go to the bathroom." You excused yourself.

*Tom's P.O.V*

"So boys, who does y/n have a crush on?" I question trying to sound Like I didn't care.

"Why do you wanna know you like her?" Jeff asked as all the boys chuckled.

"No," I said with a descusted face "I just want to know. I don't think it's fair if you guys know and I don't."

"Oh, come on Tom we know you like her, and guess what she likes you too." Eric whispered looking around to see if you had come out yet.

"WHAT!" Tom question with a surprised face.

"You heard him Tom, she likes you she just admitted to it a second ago." Jeff chimed in.

"No she didn't" I say, leaning back into my chair and crossing my arms.

"She did" Fred said with a serious face.

"So when are you gonna ask her out?" Asked Jeff.

"I'm not doing this anymore," I huff as I watch Y/n walk back over to the table. I have to admit y/n is hot, no doubt about it. It's just that I don't think she likes me. I mean the boys say that she does, but I haven't seen her since I was like 15. I haven't kissed her since she left all those years ago. Surely she doesn't like me anymore.

*your P.O.V*

"You didn't eat all the pizza while i was gone, did you's" You laugh, looking at the few pieces that were left for you.

"No but I could have." Eric laughed. You sat there eating another piece before inviting the boys to eat the rest. Once you guys were done eating, you went out to the car. You sat in the middle of the back while Tom and Eric sat next to you. Jeff sat in the passenger seat and Fred drove.

"So y/n are you talking to anyone?" Asked Eric while looking over at Tom.

"Oh no," you said, looking down at your hand.

"Really why not?" Fred asked, looking at you with a grin.

"I don't know haven't found anyone, I guess." You shrug

"Who was your last boyfriend?" Asked Jeff.

"Tom..." you said quietly so that no one could hear.

"Who?" Asked Eric.

"Tom," you said louder. The boys just looked at you in shock.

"Was I really?" Asked Tom looking shocked.

"Yes you were." You say quietly

"Is that because im just the best, and you couldn't move on?" Tom asked as he whispered in your ear with a chuckle. The rest of the ride home was quiet, but it was comfortable. When you got home, you said goodbye and walked upstairs flopping onto your bed, laughing.

*3rd of December 2022*

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