Part 8- hes so perfect

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You walked into the kitchen to the phone ringing.
"Hello Y/N speaking"

"Hey y/n I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner with us Tom wanted to know" Eric said waiting for you to reply.

"Of course what time?"

"We'll pick you up around 5" he said

"Okay see you guys then" you said

"Bye y/n"

"Bye Eric"

You immediately ran upstairs to find an outfit.

"What to wear" you said to yourself

You grabbed out a few shirt and pants options till you found the perfect outfit.


I rushed down the stairs rushing over to my boots when there was a knock on my door.

"Hey Eric" I said giving him a side hug.

"Hey y/n" He replied as we walked down to the car. We hopped in. Me in the middle of the back seat squashed in between Fred and Eric.

"So y/n when are you and Tom gonna get back together?" Fred whispered.

I looked over at Tom who was driving before saying "why do you want us together so bad huh?"

"Because he's crazy about you y/n" Eric said in a hushed tone.

"And how would you know that?" I shake my head while looking over at Tom

"Because he always talks about you, oh y/n this and oh y/n that" Fred and Eric both chuckled.

"No he doesn't" you roll your eyes at the boys attempt to persuade you.

"Oh but he does..." Eric whispered in your ear. You just roll you eyes and leave it at that until you arrived. Walking into the pub and sitting down at a table you flicked through the menu deciding on what to get. Tom sat next to you also flicking through the menu. Eric looked at you and Tom as you guys choose what to get. He turned to Fred and whispered something in the ear as Fred let out a chuckle. You and Tom both looked up at both of them as Fred tried to keep a straight face.

"What's so funny?" Tom questioned looking at Fred curiously.

"Oh nothing" Eric chuckled looking over at you with a grin.

Sorry for the short chapter and not updating for so long i recently started high school so i haven't had much time to update but I will try to update more Xx

*1st of April 2023*

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