🌻 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 🌻

103 5 7

TW: cussing, talk of pedophilia, creepily staring at someone

Ranboo's POV

Most of the notifications were from Dream. It was the SMP GC.

You all.👆Me.🙋‍♂️Meetup.🤲 Now.👏






What's happening 👁👄👁





I couldn't help but chuckle at their conversation. But a meetup? That sounded like so much fun, if I wasn't going insane and seeing shit all the time. I wanted to go, but I also didn't. I didn't want them to think I'm crazy. Am I crazy?

Oh god, what if I'm crazy?

I read through the rest of everyone's messages, asking questions, and getting answers. I then saw the last message.

If you wan come then join VC 2 so
it's easier to ask ur questions :)

I debated for a moment, but decided to join the VC.

"So I was- oh! Hey, Ranboo!" Dream greeted. "Hey!" I replied. "I just saw the messages so I joined." I said. "Great. So anyways, to answer your question, Nikki, I was thinking about it lasting about four months." Dream stated. "Ok, thanks!" Nikki replied.

"When is it?" I asked. "I was thinking two weeks from now. Whatever works for everyone's schedules." 'M'k, thanks."

After a while, we had a list of everyone who was going to be there.

» Dream
» Sapnap
» George
» Tommy
» Tubbo
» Eret
» Nikki
» Wilbur
» Phil
» Techno
» Karl
» Quackity

They hadn't added my name to the list yet, because I wasn't sure if I was gonna go. I told them I'd ask my parents, but what I was doing, was asking my parents and then (if they say I can go) sit and ponder on it for a week before deciding if I wanna go or not.

"Hey, mom?" I asked, walking downstairs. "Yeah?" She called from the living room. When I walked in, she was alone on the couch. "So, uh, some of my online friends wanna meet up in Florida and I was wondering if you'd let me go if I want to." I said.

She stared at me for a second.

"You're actually considering going with everything that's going on with you right now?" She asked. "Uhm...yes?" I replied nervously. "Well, if it's up to me, I say you can go if you want. Not sure what your father will say though. If he says 'no' but you wanna go, I'll convince him to let you." She said. "Thanks, mom." I smiled.

I hurried backup to my room and messaged everyone.

They said they'll have
my answer in a week 😒

That was obviously a lie. I just needed the time to see if I actually wanted to go or not.

Time skip 5:00

I heard a car pulling into the driveway. I figured it was my dad since mom said he'd be getting home early.

A few moments later, I heard him come through the front door. I didn't bother leaving my room to greet him. I never do. Plus, I figured my mom would ask him about the meetup for me since she knows that I don't really like to ask my dad questions like that. She knows he's rude to me.

We actually hadn't told my dad about my dreams and hallucinations. Sometimes we think he'd do anything to get me out of the house, and we figured he'd say I'm insane and use it as an excuse to send me to an asylum. Then I'd be gone, which is all he wants.

After a while, I was sitting in my bed, scrolling through Twitter, when my door suddenly opened. It was my dad. He never knocks, and it's really annoying. He doesn't let me lock my door either, so I always change clothes in the bathroom so he doesn't walk in on me. Plus, he's a pedophile. I know I'm legally an adult, but to him, my age still ends with the word 'teen,' so I'm still a kid to him.

My sister, Sashi, however, she is only fourteen. I don't like her living in the same house with that creep.

"What, dad." I said, looking up from my phone. "Your mother was talking to be about that meetup." Dad said. "You can go if you want." He sighed. "Thanks." I replied. "Yeah." He started at me for a moment.

He does that a lot. When our conversation is over, he'll just stand in my doorway looking at me. Once, he stood there for nearly ten minutes. I was so uncomfortable. Sometimes he even comes over and sits next to me on my bed. When I ask him why he's sitting beside of me, he just reply's with; "I want to see what you're doing on your phone."
(Not my stepdad doing that to me all the time before my mom, sis, and I left his creepy ass)

He continued to stare at me for another minute or so before I finally said something.

"Can I...help you?" I asked. "No." He said. "Why are you staring at me then?" He shrugged. "Ok, well...please leave." I nervously chuckled. He loudly exhaled, and then left. I let out a shaky breath.

"Weirdo." I mumbled.
Words: 875

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