🌪 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑝 🌪

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TA: cussing, panic attack mention, hallucinating

Ranboo's POV
Another week later

I sat anxiously in the back of my moms car with Sashi. I'd never been on a plane before, and I was flying alone. I was gonna try to sleep through the flight since I haven't gotten much sleep this past week, but didn't wanna risk having one of 'those' dreams on the plane, so I drunk a bunch of coffee this morning to keep myself awake, even though I don't like coffee.

"I can't believe you're actually going. If I was you, I wouldn't go." Sashi stated. I shrugged. "Maybe they can help?" I said. "Maybe."

We arrived at the airport about thirty minutes before my flight so I had time to get through security.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bags.

I gave my mom and Sashi big hugs.

"Bye, Sashi. Bye, mom. See you in four months!" I said. "Don't forget to call and text!" Sashi reminded me. "I won't!"

As I walked into the airport, I saw another black silhouette staring at me from the top of the escalators. The top of the one I had to go up. Great. I took a deep breath and started that way, stepping onto the escalator, and riding it up closer and closer towards the thing. Right before I would have ran into it, it disappeared. Thank god.

I eventually made it through security with about five minutes before my flight. I went over to the loading place or whatever it's called, and waited.

"Flight 354, boarding!" A lady said over the speakers.
(Idk how airports work, leave me alone. Idek if that's what they say.)

I picked up my carry-on luggage and boarded the plane.

The ride was burning. My phone didn't have a signal, I couldn't listen to music, and there weren't any good movies on that little TV thingy. Although I had drank six coffees, I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. I didn't wanna sleep on a plane for more than one reason.

One, I know I'll wake up with a stiff neck and back.

Two, I usually feel sick when I wake up from naps.

And three, I didn't want to have a bad dream on a plane.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking." I heard, waking me up. "Just a little warning, we are about to fly through a small storm, so there will be some turbulence."

Great. This is just what I needed.

A few seconds later, the plane shook violently. I didn't think turbulence was this bad. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. The plane shook again, and someone's baby started to cry.

I saw a bright light outside of my window, and the plane jolted. Was that lightning? Did I hit the plane..?

Suddenly, the seatbelt light turned on, signaling us to put them on, so I did. I hoped that was just for precautions, and that nothing bad was gonna happen. I really started to panic when the lights started to flicker. The screaming baby didn't help my nerves at all.

I could feel my heartbeat in my ears.

Is this how I'm gonna die? I wondered. A plane crash on the way to meet my best friends?

I didn't wanna die.

"Passengers, please remove the yellow life jacket from under the seat in front of you, and strap it on. If having trouble, please get assistance from a flight attendant, or if necessary, a fellow passenger."

A life jacket? We're not flying over the ocean though...is all of this even happening? Am I dreaming again? Or hallucinating? Please, god, let this be a dream.

"Sir!" A lady whisper-shouted. I looked up to see a woman shaking my arm. Everything was still. There was no storm, no flickering lights, nothing. I was sweating like crazy though. "Sir, are you alright?" She asked. "What? Y-Yeah. I'm ok...what happened?" I asked. "You were having a panic attack in your sleep, I think." She said.

She looked worried.

"S-Sorry...I have night terrors." I said. "Oh, my apologies. Can I get you a water?" She asked. "Yes, please." I smiled. She handed me a small, cold water bottle. "Thank you." "Of course."

She then walked away, leaving me and my water by ourselves.

Yeah, I definitely wasn't falling back to sleep on this ride.

Time skip

After another couple of hours, we arrived in Florida.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. If you look outside the left wing of the plane, you can see Orlando International Airlines, where we are about to land." The pilot stated.

I looked out of my window, as I was on the right side of the plane, and looked down at the ground. It actually looked normal. I wasn't hallucinating or anything.

After another few minutes, I grabbed my carry-on, got off the plane, and headed to get my bags. They weren't too hard to spot since I had them customized to be half black and white, with my crown in the middle. So original.

I sent Dream a message.

I'm at the airport :D

I'm at the McDonalds :}

I'll be there asap >:]

I looked around for where the McDonalds in the airport was. It took a while because it was really little, and I kept overlooking it. I stood by a nearby bench and messaged Dream again.

I'm here where u @

Is that you with the suitcase
themed to look like you 👁👄👁

That's my cousin Gerald

Turn around 😈

I looked at the message for a moment, sighed, and turned around. Nobody was there.

Where are you 👁👄👁

Turn around again 😈


I'll go to you

As soon as I read the message, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Jesus!" I yelped. I spun around a saw Dream standing there. "You scared the hell out of me, man!" I lightly punched his shoulder. "Sorry!" He drug out the 'y.' "It's nice to meet you." I said. "You too!" He smiled. "Now let's get out if here, it's stuffy as shit."

"Please." I replied.

Words: 1,050

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