Hero Basic Training

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Hero Basic Training, 

A familiar voice echoed through the room. "I am here," someone declared, punctuating their statement as All Might burst through the door with an exuberant entrance. "Coming through the door like a hero!" he boomed, his voice resonating with a commanding presence.

The students collectively gasped, their faces lighting up with awe and admiration as the legendary figure stood before them. "I can't believe it's really All Might!" one of the students exclaimed in disbelief, capturing the sentiments of everyone in the room.

"So he's a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!" a voice chimed from the back of the classroom, while another boy nearby whispered in excitement, "Hey, look. Is he wearing his Silver Age costume? I'm getting goose‐bumps. It's so retro!"

Amid the hushed excitement, All Might addressed the class with his signature charisma. "Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as 'Hero‐ing 101,'" he announced, his words carrying a weight of authority. "Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good!"

With an air of determination, he continued, "Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches! Fight training. Real combat? But one of the keys of being a hero is... looking good!" He gestured toward the unique outfits displayed before the students. "These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started."

"All right, everyone. Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might's words were met with a unanimous chorus of affirmation. "Yes, sir!" the students responded in unison, their enthusiasm palpable.

"They say that clothes make the pros, young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!" All Might's voice swelled with pride as he continued, "Take this to heart. From now on, you are all... heroes in training!" His words resonated deeply, solidifying the sense of purpose that had infused the room.

As the students hurried to prepare for the training ahead, All Might's thoughts remained internal. "This is getting me all revved up," he muttered to himself, his anticipation evident.

Training Ground Beta

this is his hero costume!

This but with white hair and blue eyes like this

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This but with white hair and blue eyes like this

This but with white hair and blue eyes like this

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