Finding Balance

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"To address these gnawing doubts, I've decided to join various extracurricular activities alongside my hero training. The journalism club seemed like a perfect fit—I mean, who wouldn't want to read articles about the future number 1 heroes exploits? Plus, it's a chance to hone my charisma and communication skills. it'll also prove that there's a brain to match the brawn. After all, being a hero is about using my head too, not just my impressive Quirk.

I must admit, as I dived into these extracurricular activities, I faced challenges I hadn't expected. Excelling in academics and other areas requires more effort than simply flexing my Quirk muscles. I learned all that and I wouldn't have usually focus on those problems but as momo put all those in front of me I couldn't just put them away I had to face it and at that point  I  realised I need to increase academic skill and thankfully there was momo to help me with all that.It was a humbling experience, but one that taught me the value of hard work and dedication. I realized that being a hero is about more than just being the strongest or the flashiest—it's about being a well-rounded individual. I needed to put in the work and push myself beyond the limits that my Quirk had set for me. And, in all honesty, it felt amazing to overcome these obstacles and prove my mettle.

Through these experiences, I've truly come to appreciate the wide-ranging education and training that UA offers. It's not just about having a flashy Quirk; it's about being knowledgeable, adaptable, and compassionate. I've learned that being a well-rounded hero is about more than just power—it's about using that power wisely, in the service of others. As I continue my hero training, I'm now striving for a balance. I want to hone my Quirk while also developing the crucial skills that will make me a hero for the ages. And let's not forget that my dazzling personality and playful charm—those are going to be my secret weapons in capturing the hearts of people" thinks izuku as he turns and goes home to prepare for tomorrow's test

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