An interesting situation

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As Iida stood outside, the fog-covered figure finished teleporting the students out of the entrance just as Bakugo and Kirishima leaped onto the fog-covered foe.

At the earthquake zone, all the villains converged within the area. Just as they were about to strike, a black portal appeared in the air. Emerging from it were Izuku and Momo. The portal closed behind them, leaving them surrounded by a sea of villains.

"AAAA, what the hell?" izuku exclaimed as he found Momo atop him. "Momo, can you please get up?" he asked, noticing the tense surroundings.

"AAA, yes! Right away," Momo's swift response resonated through the chaos as she sprang to her feet.In a flash, she leaped upwards, her lithe form momentarily defying the turmoil. But in the midst of her rise, a villain lunged, driven by desperation. "Look out!" Izuku shouted, and Momo reacted with a fluid grace, her body elegantly ducking beneath the incoming assailant's grasp. The villain, now off-balance, hurtled straight toward Izuku.Seizing the opening with instinctual speed, I tapped into the precision my quirk afforded me. My focus sharpened as I adjusted the density of my body, creating a controlled, targeted shift in my mass. My fist connected with the villain's chest, the impact deliberate yet calibrated. They crumpled, incapacitated by the calculated force of my strike.

A charged energy pulsed through the air, the first villain's defeat seemingly acting as a catalyst., the rest of the villains intensified their assault.their attacks intensifying in unison. Amidst the chaos, Most began targeting Momo, leaving only a handful focused on Izuku. Utilizing his quirk, Izuku shifted between zero mass and a hundred-kilogram mass, using the variations to deliver powerful punches. Observing the situation, he realized that the villains attacking him were diminishing in number. Scanning the scene, he noticed that the majority were converging on Momo. Despite her efforts to fend them off with her equipment, she was struggling.

their coordinated assault testing her limits. Her struggle was palpable, each move weighted with determination. Unable to bear this imbalance, I called out, seeking to redirect their focus. "Hey, you jackasses! Come and fight me, not the girl. Are any of you even men?" My voice, edged with defiance, cut through the chaos, a challenge meant to provoke.

My taunts weren't in vain. Some villains redirected their attacks, their anger fueled by my words. Yet, the more strategic among them clung to their course, their intentions shifting to using Momo as leverage against me. They were banking on exploiting my logic-defying quirk's limitations, and I couldn't allow that.

With resolve renewed, I decided to take a more direct approach.I charged into the fray, My legs propelled me with augmented strengthand. I unleashed a potent kick that sent a villain hurtling towards the assembly of foes encircling Momo. and i soon followed after and just as i was going to colide wthin momo.My momentum was suddenly halted, bringing him to a standstill. The peculiar situation unfolded as I collided with the suspended villain, both frozen in place.

urgency propelled me. "Are you okay, Momo?" My concern surged forth, urgency lacing my words.

"Yes, hopefully I am. And thanks for the help," Momo's gratitude was palpable, a connection formed in the midst of chaos.

The dire circumstances necessitated innovation."Hey, Momo, can you create something that can handle a large crowd at once? I'm better at one-on-one combat and facing smaller groups, not at dealing with large numbers," I proposed as I lunged back into the battle.

Momo's gaze sharpened with determination as she spun to face me.After sometime "I've got it!" Momo declared. She spun around to face Izuku.

"Izuku, protect me, okay?" Momo's plea resonated with a need that mirrored my own.

"Sure thing," I affirmed, my focus shifting back to the battle. Momo shed a portion of her attire, conjuring a cannon fitted with a sophisticated fishing net mechanism.

As we synced our efforts, a newfound rhythm took hold. "Izuku, make sure you're out of the cannon's line of fire," Momo's cautionary words echoed in the midst of our coordinated dance.

"Don't worry, I can go zero mass anytime, so fire away," my reassurance was accompanied by a determined grin. Together, we surged ahead, our strategies converging seamlessly. Momo's cannon released its payload, ensnaring groups of villains in its web. My own efforts remained steadfast,as I engaged in hand-to-hand combat, efficiently neutralizing the captured foes.

Exhaustion mixed with triumph as Momo's exclamation echoed. "Izuku, we did it!"

"Of course we did," Izuku grinned, his fatigue barely masking his satisfaction. "Momo, you should rest too. You seem quite worn out."

"It's nothing. Now, let's head towards the entrance," Momo suggested. As they moved, they found themselves walking remarkably close to each other, their shoulders almost touching. Engrossed in conversation and laughter, they continued towards the exit, nearly oblivious to the unique phenomenon of their proximity.

(f=ma if the mass is havey enough he can create too much force and because this shape is same his bone density mussul density are inceased so to support his mass as d=m/v OH and  izuku cant walk in 0 mass as the is essencly energy or light depending on the sutition as E=mc^2)

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