The new start

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in a unknown home on a tv

TV Reporter: "This is a follow-up report on yesterday's incident at the U.A. rescue training facility, where hero course students were attacked by villains. According to the police investigation, the criminals identify themselves as 'The League of Villains' and have been plotting to target All Might, who has been a teacher at U.A. since this spring. Despite the arrest of 72 villains, the whereabouts of their ringleader remain unknown."

Tsukauchi gazed at the television screen, absorbing the report's information. The room was dimly lit, the glow of the screen casting flickers of light on his focused expression. He contemplated the situation before him.

All Might glanced at Tsukauchi, inquiring, "What's on your mind, Tsukauchi?"Tsukauchi met All Might's gaze and responded, "The police have delved into the group identifying themselves as 'The League of Villains.' There's no record of anyone in their twenties or thirties named Shigaraki with a disintegration Quirk. The same applies to the individual known as Kurogiri with the Warp Gate ability. It's likely that they're not using their real names and might not even be registered citizens. Essentially, they're individuals from the darker corners of society with unregistered Quirks."

With a concerned look, tsukauchi questioned, "But what's the significance of that? Why did they launch such a brazen attack? It's something most regular folks wouldn't even consider attempting. And the way that man-child rambled on... He boasted about Nomu's Quirk, even though he didn't divulge his own. And when things didn't go his way, he couldn't hide his frustration. Though I believe he aimed to manipulate the Quirk situation, he recklessly abandoned the advantage of using unknown Quirks against heroes. He spouted immature, nonsensical claims with unwavering confidence. He flaunted his possessions. It's as if he believed everything should simply fall into place. When I consider this, along with my observations during the attack, I envision Shigaraki as... someone who hasn't outgrown his juvenile sense of invincibility. A grown man acting like a child."

Listening attentively, All Might responded, "Well, that's an interesting assessment. But the real issue lies in the 72 villains apprehended at USJ. They were all low-level criminals hiding in the shadows. The concerning part is their alignment with this man-child's ideology and leadership. In a world flooded with heroes, individuals harboring villainous inclinations might be drawn to such a simplistic form of evil."

Tsukauchi nodded in agreement, adding, "You're right. Many people struggle to find their place with their Quirks. The situation is indeed alarming. Thankfully, we can focus on our investigative efforts thanks to the pro heroes. We'll expand our search network and continue supporting the capture of these perpetrators."

As the conversation continued, All Might's thoughts drifted inward, contemplating the situation at hand. He silently mused, *"A man-child... In a peculiar way, he's not so different from our students. There's still room for growth. But if there's someone manipulating him, cultivating his malevolence... I shudder to think of the potential consequences. The day following the League of Villains' attack on USJ, the school temporarily closed its doors. Yet, relaxation proved elusive."*

With the school reopening, everything felt familiar again as I entered Class 1A. The air was alive with whispers, and in the midst of the anticipation, Sero and Kaminari were sharing secrets in hushed tones.

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