the official start

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As they stood at the entrance, ready to step inside the unfamiliar facility, Momo's keen eyes caught sight of a lone child sitting on the ground nearby. Concerned, she scanned the area until she spotted Mandalay, who was conveniently close to the building. Without hesitation, Momo approached the pro hero and inquired, "I've been wondering since we arrived here earlier. Who is that child? And what is he doing here?"

Mandalay, glancing around to ensure they were alone, pointed to the child and explained, "Oh, this little guy? He's my cousin's son. He lives with us now." They moved closer to the child, named Kota, and Mandalay encouraged him, "Don't be shy, Kota. Say hi to everyone. You're going to be around them for the next week."

Momo took a step forward and extended a friendly hand, introducing herself, "Hey there. My name's Momo Yaoyorozu. I'm from the UA High School hero course. It's nice to meet you!"Kota, however, reacted with annoyance, promptly looking away from Momo with an irritated grunt before walking away, muttering, "The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes."

Momo was taken aback by this unexpected response. No one had ever walked away from her like that before. She pondered, "I wonder what might be bothering him. Maybe I came on too strong with the introduction."

Meanwhile, as Momo and Mandalay had their interaction, Izuku noticed Momo's unease and approached her. Concerned, he asked, "Momo, is something bothering you?" Momo hesitated for a moment before answering, "A little, Izuku. I'm just surprised. No one has ever walked away from me like that before. I wonder what might be bothering him."

Their conversation was interrupted by Mr. Aizawa, who called out to all the students, "Enough playing around. Get your stuff off the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you can bathe and sleep. Tomorrow your training starts in earnest. You'd better get a move on. It looks so good!" The students dispersed to begin settling into their temporary home, with Momo's curiosity about Kota lingering in the back of her mind.

After Sero had stowed away his belongings in the boys' room, he spotted Ashido and greeted her cheerfully. "So, you girls got stuck in a tiny little bunk room, didn't ya?"

Ashido, seeing Sero's enthusiasm, inquired, "Why? Is the guys' room really big?" Sero, grinning, replied, "Oh, yeah?" The playful banter continued when Ashido asked, "So, like, can I come check it out later or what?" Sero, a bit caught off guard but still good-natured, replied, "Sure! Whenever you want."

As their conversation unfolded, Kirishima and Kaminari, who happened to be nearby, joined in. Kirishima expressed his satisfaction, saying, "It's so good. I can't get enough!" Kaminari chimed in, "My stomach is so happy right now. It's as good as Lunch Rush's food! I think I might eat until I burst."

Just then, a delightful aroma wafted through the air seemingly out of nowhere. Kaminari, drawn to the scent of meat, asked, "I smell beef. Hey, wait, you got meat over there?"Pixie Bob, the source of the mouthwatering aroma, replied, "Yeah. Jeez, it's like you guys haven't eaten in a week or something. Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you. So make sure you kids enjoy it."

Kaminari and Kirishima expressed their gratitude for the delicious meal, savoring every bite. Meanwhile, amidst this bustling scene, they could hear and see Mandalay shouting, "Hey, Kota! Can you bring me those vegetables?" The world of aspiring heroes was filled with camaraderie and shared moments of joy and laughter.

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