Before the fight

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"Hey, who's Bakugo talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?" Kirishima voiced his confusion, glancing around as if expecting an answer from the environment itself. All Might turned his attention towards Kirishima and provided an explanation.

"He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to him before the match started. Along with a map of the building," All Might clarified, shedding light on Bakugo's means of communication.

"Also, this." All Might's voice broke the silence after a momentary pause. "A roll of capture tape! Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them, and they're out for the rest of the game." His words carried an air of authority, as he revealed another key element of the training exercise.

Among the gathered students, Ashido chimed in with a question, her curiosity evident. "So, there's a 15‐minute time limit, and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?"

"Correct!" All Might confirmed, his response concise."Then the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here. A big one! Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis. That's life. Even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight!" All Might's words carried a powerful resonance, causing a collective gasp of realization from the students. In their minds, they processed the truth in his words: the essence of being a hero was to persevere even when facing overwhelming challenges. The concept of fighting for the greater good, regardless of the odds, ignited a palpable excitement among them.

As the students absorbed the wisdom imparted by All Might, they embraced the forthcoming battle with renewed determination. The room was charged with anticipation and an eagerness to prove themselves in the face of adversity.

Katsuki's voice cut through the air, drawing my attention. "Hey, four eyes," he called out to Iida, who turned his gaze towards Bakugo. "Yes, Katsuki," Iida replied, his response respectful but cautious. It was clear that Bakugo's brash demeanor didn't sit well with Iida, yet he was willing to engage in conversation.

Bakugo's expression tightened, a mixture of reluctance and determination. He knew what he was about to share wasn't easy for him to admit. "Izuku is strong," Bakugo began, his tone slightly begrudging. "He's the only one that has beat me in fighting ever since we were young. No one has been able to beat me except Izuku. And you saw what he can do in the test, didn't you?"

Iida's thoughtful expression mirrored my own curiosity as he nodded in acknowledgment. "So, what is his quirk?" Iida inquired, his curiosity leading the conversation into new territory.Bakugo emitted a gruff sound before responding, "It's very simple, you know mass, right?" Iida nodded once again, prompting Bakugo to continue. "You see, he can change it in any way he wants. Not change shape, but increase or decrease his mass."

"It's a very simple quirk. It doesn't seem that powerful," Iida mused aloud, his voice carrying a hint of skepticism. He was harkening back to our experiences in the entrance exam, where Izuku's quirk had managed to impress despite its apparent simplicity.

Bakugo's grunting response hinted at his growing impatience, but he carried on, explaining the intricacies of Izuku's ability. "Yes, you know, but his quirk defies physics. You know when someone has less mass, they decrease in size. But his quirk makes it that he stays the same size, so he can be light as a feather one second and heavy as a mountain the next. You haven't seen him fight, but I have. I have fought him countless times and lost."

As Bakugo's words lingered in the air, his conviction palpable, Iida waited for the simmering tension to subside. "Yes, you are the expert in this, as you have battled him before. So, what should we do?" Iida's question was pragmatic, seeking Bakugo's insight.

Bakugo's pause was telling, a sign that he was calculating his response. "I know Izuku. He's going to go straight to the top," Bakugo began, outlining his plan. "So, I say we hide it on the ground floor. You stay guard and hide with it, while I will come from above, making it seem like the bomb is at the top. In reality, it's in the bottom. I don't know about the other girl, but he will definitely go to the top. And to make sure the other girl doesn't suspect us, I will go and pretend to be captured. When I go silent after I say my location, you come and free me. Okay?"

Iida's contemplative expression shifted into one of agreement. "It's a great plan. Let's do that." His decisive response solidified our course of action, and we prepared to execute Bakugo's strategic maneuver, all while keeping an eye on the larger training exercise at hand.

(in this one izuku is not the one that's suppressed bakugo is and so the role are reversed bakugo is the one that's thinks outside the box while izuku is like bakugo in this as he has excellent battel int but not over the top planning like in the anime)

now with izuku 

"Hey momo, do you have any plans?" I asked Momo, a touch of urgency in my voice.

Momo's eyes held a focused intensity as she responded, "Yes, so it's like this. We'll head to the building, and most likely they've put it on the top floor to hinder us."

"But Katsuki is the one who's our opponent," I interjected, my mind racing as I considered our options. "He always thinks outside the box. He's taken me by surprise many times. If I didn't have the non-existence state, I would have been defeated multiple times already."

Momo's gaze remained fixed on me as she nodded in understanding. After a brief moment of thoughtful silence, she spoke up again. "Okay, let's see. Since you can go into a non-existent state, that means you can become light. Right?"

"That's right," I confirmed, my mind churning with possibilities.

"Here's the plan then. I'll throw you to the top of the building, and from there, you'll descend and search," Momo suggested, her strategy taking shape after careful consideration."Okay, let's go," I replied, determination coloring my words. 

What Bakugo didn't expect was that  Izuku, saw him as his rival. He had never underestimated him, recognizing that he was the only one with even a slight chance of defeating me. This fact was not lost on Bakugo; he knew the significance of our dynamic. He would call him "Deku," a name that held a tinge of bitterness, a constant reminder of their shared history and his own discontent.

OOOO and for a little bit of background spice izuku is not that good as in anime as he was more focused on his strength so bakugo helps him study saying that his mom forced him to. he just doesn't want to see his rivel plumate in study as it will be disappointing

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