The third round

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"Ladies and gentlemen, heroes and heroines, we stand here at the brink of an electrifying third round. The waves of competition have ushered us to this juncture, and now, the remaining students shall collide in a crucible of intellect, strategy, and unwavering will.

I can practically taste the tension in the air, a tangible excitement for the exceptional clashes poised to unravel. These youthful champions have already bared their souls in the preceding rounds, unveiling their unique quirks and resolute determination. But in this chapter of the contest, they must plunge even deeper, transcending their boundaries to seize triumph. To those contenders standing prepared, remember that this is your instance to radiate. Within this coliseum, beneath the moon's watchful eye and amid the roars of the crowd, you possess the opportunity to etch your name into the scrolls of heroic chronicles. So, embrace the shadows, welcome the trial, and allow the brilliance of your quirk to illuminate the night! Without further delay, let the third round of the UA Sports Festival commence! Feel at liberty to incorporate your personal flourishes and cadence as you embody the essence of Midnight. Revel in channelling her charismatic dynamism and captivating aura!" proclaims Midnight.

As I step out of my door, I listen to Midnight's voice announcing my arrival with a touch of dramatic flair, "The first match is Izuku Midoriya vs. Hitoshi Shinso, and now we welcome Izuku Midoriya," her words echo through the arena. Walking onto the stage, I feel the spotlight on me as I take in the crowd's energy. Then, Midnight's voice takes the spotlight again, introducing my opponent, "And in opposition, we have Hitoshi Shinso," he makes his entrance onto the stage. Our eyes lock, a tension building between us.

"You're the boy with the inflated ego, aren't you?" Shinso's voice breaks the silence.

"That's not ego, those are straight facts, cold hard truth," I retort, my confidence unwavering. Midnight watches us closely, her anticipation evident. With her command, "Fight," the battle begins.

"You know I'm not a fan of you," Shinso mutters, trying to provoke a reaction.

"Who said you had to be one?" I reply, my focus solely on the challenge ahead. A smirk tugs at the corner of Shinso's lips as he taunts me further, "Got you, and now walk out."

I feel a strange force trying to immobilize me, but instead of succumbing to his expectations, I counteract the effect by fading out of existence momentarily. Shinso's expression shifts from confidence to shock, his words stumbling, "What... WHAT, why are you not going out?"

Now free from whatever manipulation he attempted, I solidify once more and explain, "I don't know what you tried to pull off, but unlike other quirks, mine has a fail-safe. If something goes wrong with my brain or body, my quirk automatically pulls me out of existence. So, whatever your quirk is, it won't work on me."

With determination, I increase my mass, declaring, "Let's finish this." Swiftly, I charge towards him. His eyes widen in realization of his impending defeat as I close the distance, delivering a powerful blow that sends him flying and out of bounds. The crowd erupts into cheers as Midnight declares, "Izuku Midoriya wins this fight," her voice resounding triumphantly.

As the adrenaline fades, I descend from the heightened energy of the battle, the victory sinking in.

(all the battal goes as shown in the anime)

Now I'm stepping out once more as the call of midnight echoes my name. "Now for the second round, we have Izuku Midoriya vs. Shoto Todoroki. Now we have Izuku Midoriya stepping onto the stage." As I ascend the platform, memories of my conversation with Endeavor resurface. "Hey, boy, you with a Quirk similar to All Might's, I want you to make Shoto use his fire. He was made to defeat All Might," Endeavor tells me. Responding, I assert, "Sure, I'll make him use his fire, but not for you. From the way you talk, you're the worst father." I stride away, pausing briefly to turn back and declare, "Don't expect your 'creation' to defeat me, okay?" Unconcerned with Endeavor's expression, I proceed onto the stage where Todoroki awaits.

Upon meeting him, I state, "Todoroki, if you want to win this, or even stand a chance against me, you'll need to use your fire." Todoroki hesitates and then utters, "I will never use his fire," as the fight commences. In an instant, I phase out of existence as Todoroki sends an ice attack my way. Its impact proves futile as I reshape the ice to fit my form and burst out, positioned in front of Todoroki. Repeating the process, I once again become intangible as he launches another ice attack. This cycle continues until he tires out.

Midoriya interjects, his voice filled with conviction, "Todoroki, the fire you possess is uniquely yours, not a creation of Endeavor's influence. Picture a day when your fire burns so brilliantly that Endeavor can only marvel at your achievements. It's when you can confidently declare that this fire is truly yours, not just a product of his legacy. Imagine the moment when you stand as the No. 2 hero, and he looks at you, expecting validation, but you tell him, 'This is not yours; you failed to shape me into this.' And then, you turn your back on him, not caring for his acknowledgment, making him finally realize that he never meant anything to you; what he thought he created wasn't meant to be. So, Todoroki, you should focus on mastering your fire." Todoroki's eyes widened as he envisioned a future where he finally stood his ground against his father, a triumphant smile forming as he imagined the shock on Endeavor's face when reality hit him. With a self-assured smirk, Todoroki replied, "You're absolutely right, Midoriya. That could be quite intriguing."

Standing tall, Todoroki vaporizes the ice surrounding him. I phase out of existence once again as he propels his flames toward me. Initially, I regard the flames without concern, but as they make contact, a burning sensation engulfs my arm, akin to a part of me fading away. Instinctively, I increase my mass, and the feeling recedes. Addressing Todoroki, I remark, "Color me surprised. You actually managed to harm me." With determination, I leap towards him, delivering a punch that sends him out of bounds, quipping, "Let's envision your future with this newfound fire, shall we?" I then exit the stage confidently.

As I approach the abundance of seats, Momo approaches me and warmly exclaims, "Congratulations on securing your second victory, Izuku!" Her words initiate a conversation, and amidst our chat, I curiously inquire, "Come to think of it, when I was in that state of non-existence, Todoroki managed to actually inflict harm on me, which shouldn't be possible." Together, Momo and I engage in theorizing, although she predominantly leads the discussion due to my limited analytical abilities.

Momo offers her insight, suggesting, "I think it's because in that non-existent state, you're either composed of light or energy. According to the equation E=mc^2 from Einstein's theory of relativity, you should exist in either of those states." Just as she explains this concept, her name is called, signaling her turn to participate. Regrettably, our conversation is cut short as she departs to take her place.

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