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i laughed at a joke rain made as i opened the door to my room, stopping as i saw dew and mountain on my floor.

both of the ghouls looked over, dew smiling widely and stumbling as he scrambled to his feet, hurrying over to me. mountain sighed in relief, slowly standing to his feet and making his was over to rain and i as well.

"hiii angel!" dew grinned, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and letting his legs give out so i had to hold him up. rain helped me walk in further, closing the door behind us after.

"hi, dew. are you okay?" i chuckled, glancing up at mountain. he just smiled tiredly at me, waving. i smiled back, but was quickly caught off guard as dew kissed me.

i cringed at the very prominent twinge of weed on his lips, dew standing up right and holding me close to him.

"are you high?" i asked, pushing dew away from the kiss. "whaaaat? no!" dew laughed. i looked over at mountain as rain swooped in and picked dew up, the fire ghoul whining in protest.

"he was freaking out earlier because he couldn't find you. as he was running around i saw you and rain playing in the snow. he didn't believe me when i said you were outside and kept freaking out. he got himself to the verge of a panic attack so i put some very obvious weed in his room as he checked it for the fifth time and he started smoking it almost immediately." mountain explained. "how did you guys get here?" i asked, walking in further to the room and giving mountain a hug.

"he almost started crying cause he missed you so i brought him here to show him that you weren't halfway across the country. he cheered up after that and kept smoking, now he's high off his ass." mountain chuckled. i hummed, smelling a hint of weed on him.

"i hope you know that once he can think right you both are getting rid of the smell in my room. this is awful." i cringed, looking up at mountain. he nodded.

"i was planning on it, love." mountain smiled, pressing a short kiss to my lips.

"angellllll~" dew called. i looked over, smiling at the fire ghoul. "dewww." i answered, walking over to him, mountain following.

"why are you in your pajamas? it's only 11." dew told me, his voice sounding a bit different than normal. "it's 2:30, dew." mountain chuckled as i sat down on the floor, mountain doing the same as dew scoffed, "whatever."

"rain and i were out in the snow so we had to change out of the wet clothes." i explained as dew rolled out of rain's lap, placing his head in my lap after. i smiled, placing my hand on dew's forehead.

"do you like the snow?" dew asked. "i love the snow." i chuckled, rain tilting his head as we watched dew and i interact. "i love youuu~" dew grinned, his pupils dilating even more. mountain snorted, covering his mouth and turning to look behind rain and himself. rain chuckled, nudging mountain with his elbow. i laughed softly.

"and i love youuuu.." i copied the fire ghoul. dew suddenly gasped, sitting up quickly. i yelped, leaning back so he wouldn't knock my teeth out with his helmet.

"you wanna know who else i love???" dew asked, whipping around so he was facing me. "who?" i grinned.

"mountain!" dew smiled. mountain whipped his head back to face dew, his jaw dropped. rain laughed as dew crawled over to mountain, sitting in the earth ghoul's lap.

mountain sat there in shock as dew snuggled into his body. after a moment, a big smile took over the earth ghoul's face as he wrapped his arms around dew.

"do you love me?" dew asked, looking up at mountain. "mhm.." mountain nodded, smiling down at dew. a big grin took over dew's mouth as he snuggled back into mountain.

i looked over at rain, my jaw somewhat slack. rain had a shocked look on his face as he shrugged, pulling me closer to him.

mountain looked over at rain and i, excitedly gesturing down to dew. i smiled and nodded, holding my thumb up as rain grinned.

i laid my head on rain's shoulder, watching mountain hold dew close to him with a small, happy smile on his face. mountain's tail was excitedly quivering while dew's was easily rising and falling at the spade, a sign that he was relaxed.

rain laid his head on mine, wrapping his arm around my body and holding me close to him.

after a few minutes, dew was starting to get fidgety, his tail swishing side to side as he tried to keep himself still in mountain's arms. my eyes were partially closed, rain's soft breathing somewhat lulling me to sleep.

"rain!" dew suddenly exclaimed, startling everyone in the room but himself. rain and i looked up seeing mountain rigid from the scare and dew looking over at the water ghoul next to me.

"yes, dew?" rain asked, slipping his hand under his mask to rub his eye. dew easily crawled out of mountain's lap and into rain's, looking up at the water ghoul.

dew seemed like his high was wearing off, but he was definitely still up on cloud 9.

"i gotta tell you something.." dew whispered. "you love me?" rain asked, obviously being sarcastic. i chuckled, mountain laying down and putting his head in my lap. i smiled, easily unbuckling his helmet and easily slipping it off. mountain humming in thanks as dew gasped.

"how did you know?!" dew exclaimed. rain's jaw dropped slightly as i giggled at his reaction. "lucky guess.." rain trailed off, somewhat composing himself. "too lucky." dew huffed, looking over his shoulder at mountain and i. "we're taking masks off?!" dew exclaimed, smiling as he tried to unbuckle his helmet. though his smile quickly dropped as he fumbled, unable to loosen his helmet strap.

rain chucked, guiding dew to look at him and tilted the fire ghoul's chin up. rain easily unbuckled the strap, taking dew's helmet off for him. dew smiled as rain did so, cuddling back into the water ghoul's chest.

rain took his helmet off, looking at me after. i smiled, examining his features as i ran my fingers through mountain's hair.

"what?" rain whispered, noticing mountain had quickly fallen asleep in my lap, dew being starting to drift off as well.

"nothing.. i just become enthralled every time i see your face." i grinned. rain scoffed, a bashful smile forming on his face as he looked away from me to hide the red tint. i laughed softly, leaning on rain's shoulder. rain's smile got bigger as he leaned his head on mine, closing his eyes.

1145 words !!

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