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dew had his arm around my shoulders as we walked down to dinner, laughing with each other.

mountain and rain had gone down early since it was their day to help set up the table for everyone. dew and i offered to come with but both rain and mountain insisted we stayed in bed and relaxed.

"yeah! and then cirrus and i started having a dance-" i started telling a story to dew as we entered the hallway of the dining room, but him perking up and his tail flicking made me stop talking. "what's wrong?" i asked, looking around. dew shook his head, removing his arm from around me and running off into the dining room.

concerned, i quickly followed, the sound of yelling getting louder as i got closer to the dining room.


i rushed in, the sound of rain's very loud and very angry voice slightly startling me.

that amount of anger sounds familiar in him.. why does it sound familiar?

my eyes widened as i saw mountain and dew holding rain back from swiss who was being held onto by aether.

"what, you all get her and we don't?! we want to spend time with y/n too!" swiss exclaimed, his tail flicking. rain growled loudly, struggling against mountain and dew.

"what the hell is happening?" i asked, quickly walking over to rain and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"that asshole just said he wants to fuck you!" rain yelled, glaring daggers at swiss. "i didn't say that!" swiss yelled back, walking over after shaking aether off. rain growled as swiss got closer to me, his eyes narrowing.

"what did you say then?" i asked, holding my hand up to dew and mountain as i shuffled away from rain to meet swiss in the middle.

"i said that it was unfair that those three got you all to themselves and that i wanted some alone time with you." swiss told me, a sad look in his eyes. i looked over at aether, getting a shrug.

"that is not what you said." rain growled, stumbling slightly, making him fall and dew and mountain have to hold him up.

"you very clearly said you wanted to fuck her." rain seethed, his pupils slits as his tail flicked around.

"y/n, you have to believe me, he's fucking psycho." swiss begged as i looked over at him. "he's not psycho." i defended. "okay, maybe not," swiss nodded, starting to reach out to me. "don't touch her!" rain yelled.

"are you doing anything to calm him down?!" aether exclaimed, looking at mountain. "i'm trying!" mountain huffed, trying to drag rain back to his feet, dew helping as best as he could.

"but you have to agree, those three just swept you up and took you away from aether and i. i want to spend time with one of my best friends." swiss frowned as i looked back at him, placing his hand on my shoulder.

the most demonic growl i've ever heard sounded from rain's chest as he ripped himself from mountain and dew's grasp, lunging at swiss. i panicked, stepping in front of the multi-ghoul.

rain skidded to a halt, his eyes wide as he panted, looking down at me in slight shock.

"you need to calm down." i said after i gathered myself, my voice stern as i glared into rain's eyes, his goggles making the glowing of his eyes less bright.

rain panted, swallowing harshly. the water ghoul nodded after a moment, stepping back into mountain's arms.

as soon as he made contact with the earth ghoul, rain's legs buckled as exhaustion took over his body, both from mountain's abilities and how angry he had just been.

mountain caught rain, dew and aether helping the earth ghoul lay rain down so he could rest.

"okay.. what the fuck happened?" i asked, looking at mountain, swiss, and aether. dew was next to me, seeing as he had walked into the scene just moments before me and didn't know much either.

"rain and i were setting up the table, swiss and aether came in as we finished and they started talking to rain. i started reading and tuned pretty much everything out until i heard rain yell as he lunged at swiss. then dew came in and helped me pull rain off of swiss." mountain explained, aether nodding.

"what did swiss say?" i asked, looking at aether. "he said that 'it was unfair that those three got you all to themselves and that he wanted some alone time with you'," aether told me, continuing after he quoted swiss. "rain seemed tense and like he wasn't listening so maybe 'alone time' set him off." aether guessed. swiss nodded, "i could have worded it better." i sighed rubbing my temples and closing my eyes. dew put his hand on my back and began rubbing circles as he brought me closer to him.

"okay.." i said after a moment, dew looking at me along with the other ghouls. "so you both don't want to be in the relationship?" i asked, looking at swiss and aether. "right." aether nodded. "i just want to spend time with you." swiss sighed, his tail drooping sadly. "didn't answer my question." i said, looking at swiss. "i don't want to be in the relationship." swiss confirmed. "okay.." i nodded. "okay. that's good. when rain wakes up i'll tell him everything. for now someone help me get him to the common room." i said, quickly kissing dew on the cheek before walking over to rain who was asleep on the floor.

mountain and dew rushed over, mountain picking the water ghoul up and holding him close to his chest.

"i never knew rain could be so angry.." i sighed as mountain and dew walked on either side of me down the hall.

dew glanced at mountain, a worried look in his eyes. mountain gave the fire ghoul a pointed look, shaking his head.

"he's.. he's messed me up pretty bad before, it is surprising though." dew said. "what happened?" i asked, looking at dew. "well, last super moon was pretty rough. a few years before that during an eclipse he was practically feral. he didn't go through any of the procedures that sister imperator offered him and we both faced the consequences." dew explained. "he hasn't missed a single procedure since." mountain cut in, rubbing rain's back.

i sighed shakily and nodded, all three of us stopping as dew opened the door to the common room for mountain and i to walk in.

"where do you want him?" mountain asked me. "you should probably be there when he wakes up." dew said as he looked at the couch. i nodded and walked over, laying down and opening my arms.

mountain followed me over, gently laying rain on me as i wrapped my arms around the water ghoul.

"we'll come check on you later, okay?" mountain whispered. i smiled softly and nodded. mountain smiled back and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips before stepping back and letting dew have his turn.

"yell for us if you need anything.." dew said softly. "i will," i whispered. dew smiled and gave me a quick peck before walking out of the common room with mountain.

i sighed, looking down at rain's sleeping face. i carefully unbuckled his helmet, slowly slipping it off in a way i knew wouldn't wake rain up.

i set rain's helmet on the ground and carefully pushed his hair out of his face, pressing a gentle kiss to rain's forehead.

rain hummed softly, burying his face deeper into my collar bone as he sighed. i leaned my head into the pillow as i looked up the ceiling.

now we wait...

1300 words !!
figured i'd do a little fight scene [thank you for the idea:)] to clarify that aether and swiss are NOT going to be a part of the relationship.

don't get me wrong they'll still be present in the story, along with ifrit, alpha, omega, chair, cowbell, and the ghoulettes, they just won't be apart of the relationship :)

p.s - all these updates might burn me out so i'm gonna try and slow down a bit. i'll try not to leave cliffhangers to make y'all suffer, i promise haha

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