Chapter 3 | It's refreshing at least

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22 May 2021

"Have you seen Zoe's story?" Marsia brings me back to reality.

I turn and look at her trying to recall what she just asked me. "Whose?"

"Zoe's." she says and hand me her phone.

"I haven't checked Instagram in a week or something. My old phone refused and the new one got delivered just today." I wave my new phone to her and then look at the photo she is showing me. It is a picture of Zoe and Orestes holding a puppy together. That's sweet "They got a puppy?" I say overwhelmed by the cuteness.

"And they are moving in together."

I smile. "So mature. Good for them, I guess."

"When are we growing up?" She asks and pours some wine on her glass.

"You are drinking wine on an actual wine glass. It's as grown up as it gets." I point at her glass.

Our conversation gets interrupts by the familiar music playing on the TV.

"Yay." I yell and turn my look to the TV.

She looks me in disbelief. "You are weird. How can you be so excited?"

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. "Emotional reasons. It's fun and kind of has become a tradition."

"Yes, of course. It's decorating the tree, counting down to New Year and Eurovision."

I hear the door ringing. That means the food is here. I jump of the sofa and run to open the door. I grab my wallet and open it only to realize that it's empty of cash. "Shit! I don't have any money on me."

Marsia gets of the sofa too. "Wait I'll bring some. Wait by the door for the delivery person."

She goes to grab her purse, after a few seconds she comes back in, pulls some money out of her wallet, and gives it to the guy delivering our food. I take the food, place it on the table and sit on the sofa again.

"Great! We lost the flag parade." I say in disappointment.

"You have issues." she tells me not taking her eyes of her phone.

17 August 2020

We spent all day talking, goofing around and relaxing on the beach. We were on the island something more than a day and I was already filling so much better. I was calmer and happier and very excited. It was almost dark, and I was cooking pasta on the portable stove. We hadn't gone to the supermarket yet because we were bored all day, so we had to cook whatever we had brought from home. Everyone else was sitting around the table talking and laughing.

Marsia approached me. "Do you need any help?"

"Not really." I put the spaghetti on the water. "I'm almost done."

"Great! because I'm hungry." she opened the lid of the pan and smelled it. "Smells yummy."

"Vegetable sauce." I paused "Whatever vegetable we had so the result is unsure."

Marsia was staring at the RV. "Wouldn't it be cool if we had an RV?"

"Definitely!" I looked at it too. "We could travel all Europe with that."

She smiled. "That'd be cool."

I got lost looking at it. I was thinking about how awesome it would be, going from country to country in it with and my friends. It was like camping but anywhere you want without having to worry how you would get there and how you are going to get all the stuff you need. And of course, it's so much more comfortable which, I'm not going to lie, sometimes I hate about camping. It's not the easiest to cook on a portable stove. We always wanted to go camping at another country but always had problems, because it is very hard to carry all the equipment and renting it is kind of expensive. An RV would be a great solution but that's also kind of expensive. These people knew how to live. I was still looking when I saw Damiano coming out of it holding two plates. He had his hair on a bun, and he was wearing an unbuttoned floral shirt and I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. He had something eye-catching. His tattoos, his hair, his style. He turned his stare at me and nodded. I smiled back at him trying to hide my embarrassment due to the fact he just caught me staring at him like a creep.

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