Chapter 22 | Seem changed

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The last moments felt like a bomb exploded on my heart. One thing that came out of all this is that the whole situation gave me an adrenaline rush and I don't feel that weak anymore. I know that soon it will go away soon though. I slighty pull away from him to catch my breath. "Did that answered your question?"

He's looking at the ceiling and takes some deep breaths before he looks at me again. He smirks at me. "Barely."


"You are not to be trusted, Leda." He shrugs his shoulders. "For all I know, you're thinking about the quickest way possible to leave."

"Oh, I know it already. It would be jumping from the balcony but since we're on the third floor, I don't think it deserves the risk." I joke trying to lighten up the mood.

He does crack a smile so I guess it worked a little. To answer his question, it's clearer than never before to me what I want. I want him, but something is stopping me from telling him that. And then I remember what's stopping me. The same reason that he came in the kitchen in the first place. He has a girlfriend now. He has moved on. I guess in that case he can't give me what I want. Which reminds me another question that has been messing with my head the last months and he may have answered me minutes ago. Those lyrics... Was it possible it was for me?

I force myself to pull away from him while I'm gathering my thoughts. His disappointment is obvious.

"What happened now?"

"There's someone out there probably searching for you and it wouldn't be the best if she'd find you like this."

Damiano sights and open his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. Expressing my second thougt of the night.

"So, I guess you can leave me alone in the middle of the night now." I pause and think about it for a while. It's no quite what happened when I did it to him. I mean I literally left him alone in the middle of the night. But the metaphor works, so it's close I guess. "Almost."

He runs his tongue between his lips showing he's uneasy. I'm pretty sure that If his still had his long hair he'd run his fingers through it, but his hair are shorter now and in a mullet. He still looks good. He'd look good with any hair.

Eventually he turns and looks at me. Piercing me with his eyes, sending shivers all over my body. 

"I'm not with Milia. But I guess you bought into all the rumors, right?"

I laught to the fact that he's actually trying to fool me. I never thought he'd do something like that. "Please Damiano, I saw you two kissing before."

"Fuck." He walks around the kitchen. "Okay. It's not what it seems like."

I laugh once again. "Damiano, are you listening to yourself?"

"Will you just hear me?" His voice raising a little. He's not in a place to raise his voice right now. I know I messed up in the past but he's not in the best position right now. "Yes, we've been hanging out but we're not together. It's been really casual and I didn't even mean for something to happen tonight."

"How convinient." I say sarcastically not knowing If I should believe him or not.

"Leda, I have been nothing but honest and forward with you."

I take a deep breath and look around. "Damiano, all this... It's too complicated and confusing."

"Again." He looks at me and raises his eyebrow. "Mostly your fault."

"Damiano?" I look at him scared to ask. "The song. Is it...?" I stop unable to finish my question afraid that I might sound stupid.

"Does it matter?" He asks me while he sits in the chair.

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