Chapter 24 | Too late again

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"I'm so excited." Nefeli almost whispers with a slight jump.

We are outside of Damiano's apartment waiting for him to open the door. I can hear people talking and laughing on the inside very loudly. That doesn't seem like a small gathering. I look at my sister giving her a very strict stare letting her know that she must behave and get any though she had out of her mind.

Nefeli looks back at me defensively. "I didn't say anything."

"I know what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking that I finally get to meet the guy that my sister can't get over after a year. I mean it's you we're talking about. It's unbelievable. I mean I would never ever though that could happen."

I roll my eyes at her. "Can you hush now?"

Nefeli rolls her eyes back at me. "You are not fun when you're in love."

"What?" Her words cut me off guard. "I'm not in love with him."

At that moment the door opens giving an immediate end to our conversation. Damiano appears on the other side of the door wearing black oversized sweats and a black tank top. His hair is messy and he looks very casual overall making me have seconds thoughts for the red backless sundress I choose to wear.

I look down to my clothes and then back at him. "Clearly I missed the memo on the dresscode."

Damiano looks at me and chuckles. "Nah, it's okay. You always look good in red."

A smile at him and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing. At least my face will match my outfit. I immediately try to change the conversation. "So, that is my sister."

Damiano greets my sister and then turns to Marsia who he knows but hasn't seen since February when he came to Greece.

After, we are inside and Damiano is guiding us to the sitting area, Nefeli approaches me discreetly and whispers to me. "My mistake. You clearly aren't."

I glare at her but not say a word. I don't get tenacity of everyone.

I decide to not give any more attetion to that and I turn my attetion to the room. There are almost twelve people in here already, of course including Victoria and Thomas. There are beers and glasses of wine on the table and low rock music playing in the background by a laptop that is placed on a sidetable next to Thomas. I look around the room. Damiano's apartment is not big given the situation but I guess he wouldn't have the time to move even if he wanted to. It has a big living space with a small island seperating the kitchen from the rest living room. It's a little messy but I always though of Damiano as a messy one and that makes me smile.

Victoria comes my way and hugs me. It's always nice to see her and I know that I will have at least one person I can talk to, of course beside my sister and Marsia. I introduce her to my sister whose eyes sparkle the moment she looks at her, making me shake my head. There's no way I'm keeping her away from her no matter how hard I try. I know how stuborn my sister is. There's no way she'll ever listen to me. I don't think anything will happen. 

She'll be here for less than two weeks and I don't think they'll meet again so she might as well try.

"Ethan is not here?" I ask looking around the room.

"I think he's at the balcony."

"I'll go say hi." I say and walk to the balcony with Marsia following me.

Marsia pass by me and gets to Ethan first. She always liked Ethan. She liked to tease him and 

Ethan is so kind and calm that he wouldn't say a word to her. Ethan looks suprised to see her but he immediately smiles and greets her and then he turns to me and acts as he doesn't want her to hear.

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