Chapter 25 | Glad you're stupid

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It's been more than two weeks since the night at Damiano's place and between Nefeli and Marsia visiting me and Maneskin travelling all around Europe we hadn't seen each other since. We have been texting but not in a regular basis. Enough though to know that they came back from Spain two days ago and jumping everytime I hear my phone buzzing hoping it's him.

And that's exactly what's happening right now. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Ι know I have a notification and I immediately want to look at it but I can't because I'm carrying a really heavy box that contains my new desk and Sienna is following me carrying my chair.

It's ridiculous. If I want to see him so bad I should text him but I'm too scared I'll bother him. 

When did I become insecure? I don't like it.

I place the box down for a moment and Siena follows me. My sweat is running down my cheeks even though it's 7 p.m. and my hair is tucked up in a high ponytail.

"So heavy." I whine.

"I told you it was a bad idea."

"But the delivery cost was too expensive." I say but at the same time I'm really regreting my decision. The most stupid mistake of my life. Well, the second most stupid mistake of my life.

"What if I wait here with the desk and you get the chair and go to your house and then come back and we carry it together?"

I think about it for a while but my house is only three blocks and going back and forth seems like a waste of time. On the other hand I'm not sure if I can keep carrying it by myself. Three blocks are enough for me to collapse on the ground.

"I think I just need a break and some water." I open my backpack and take out my bottle. I take a sip and immediately feel cooler.

I sight and squat to the floor.

Sienna looks at me and tilts her head. "You don't look good."

"I got this." I say trying to give strength to myself.

"I pole dance."

"You do?" Siena asks me suprised.

"Yes." I say and smile. "Well, I haven't in a while but I did

"Wow." She still looks amazed. "Must be an incredible workout."

"It is." I look at her and smile. "And if everything fails it would be an incredible plan b."

"Can you be any cooler?"

I cringe to that. I appreciate the compliments but I always feel weird getting them. It instantly makes me feel like I was showing off and I wasn't. Saying thinks like that was normal with my frinds back in Greece, it was kind of an inside joke of ours.

"Showing off much?" I say trying to humor myself as I'm getting up.

Sienna chuckles and picks up the chair. "Let's go."

"Sure. One sec." I say remembering that inside my pocket I have my phone that was buzzing some minutes ago.

I take it outside and look at it and the name on the screen makes me smile immediately. Could I act more like a teenager?

"What's up?" Sienna asks me looking at me weirdly.

"Nothing. Just wanted to check something." I say and put my phone back to my pocket before I open his text.

"Oh, by the way. Are you free tonight?"

I hope I'm not but that's a really long shot. "I guess. Why?"

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