Romantic Problems

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He leaned down a bit to whisper in his ear. - Who told you that I was looking at her? -

Saying that, he just left, walking away from the albino with his hands in his pockets. Kaedehara could only watch as he walked away, totally confused.

The albino returned to where his girlfriend was, sat next to her, still confused. - What's the matter? - Ayaka asked, but the boy only answered with a simple and vague "Nothing".

That day Kazuha accompanied Ayaka to her home as usual, but it was all uncomfortable. Neither of both knew why.

- What did he told you? - Ayaka asked, startling Kazuha. They had been quiet all the way up so far.

- Who? -
- Kunikuzushi. -
- Why don't you call him how he wants? Scaramouche. -
- Because he pisses me off. -

Kazuha raised his eyebrows in surprise.

- I see... -
- Answer me. What did he told you? He whispered something in your ear. -
- Ah... He said he would stop. -

It was obvious that he was lying, he didn't want to tell Ayaka the truth since he knew how she would get.

- And why did he whisper it to you that way? -
- I don't know, he's weird. -

When they arrived at Ayaka's house, they said goodbye with a sweet kiss on the lips. Before closing the door, Ayaka leaned out.

- Aren't you forgetting something? -
- Hm? Oh yes, I love you. -
- I love you too. -

After such romantic words, they said goodbye definitively.
Kazuha was still confused. All the way home he could only think of one thing, or rather, someone. Scaramouche.

The following days Scaramouche was in charge of being more discreet, if he looked at Kazuha he would make sure that no one noticed him, especially Ayaka.

He had already heard from him just what he wanted, he would look no further unless fate put an obvious opportunity in front of his nose. Opportunity that presented itself weeks later.

Ayaka was upset, Kazuha was not yet at the university, it was still early for him to arrive. The real problem arose as soon as minutes later the albino entered the classroom.

- Where the hell were you? - Ayaka exclaimed, maintained a serious and annoyed tone.

- I was at home and then I came here. - Kazuha was a little scared, it was hard to see Ayaka upset.

- You didn't answer my messages, you disappeared. -

- Oh, yesterday when I got home my father needed help with something and I had to - He was interrupted by the female.

- I don't believe you at all, you never help your father, you told me you have daddy issues. -

- Ayaka calm down... I don't get along with my father, yeah, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't help him in whatever he needs, he's an old man and he needs help... -

- You were with someone else, weren't you? -

- Wait, what the fuck? - Kazuha immediately took Ayaka's hand and carried her out of the room. - Ayaka, what makes you think that? -

- Lately you do not give me the minimum of attention, you let others look at me, you don't answer my messages and you lie to me saying that you were with your father. -

- It's because it was like that... My father wouldn't let me touch my phone so I could let you know I'd be busy, you know him better than anyone, he's strict. Do you seriously think that I would cheat on you having 5 years of relationship? -

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