A Last Day.

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After all that had happened that day, Ayaka returned home uncheered, but at the same time relieved.

As soon as she entered her house she could see her parents at the table talking to each other, both stared at her seriously when she entered.

- Why the sad face, Ayaka? - Ms. Kamisato asked. 

- Oh, ahm... A few things happened in college and, well, I need to get some rest. - Ayaka replied lowering his head.

- You are always resting, you never do anything. Tell me what happened. -

Ayaka was silent for a few seconds. - Kazuha broke up with me, that's all... -

Mrs. Kamisato refused, frowning, she was disappointed, that was for sure, it was clear in her expression.

- What did you did, Ayaka? You do everything wrong, you should have let him stay with you. - She got up from her seat to turn around and go to the kitchen. - That boy was the only one who could continue with the Kamisato family genes, he was the one and you left him! -

Ayaka looked away, her father said nothing, just nodded implying that he agreed with his wife.

- He loves someone else, that's why we broke up. -

- Anyway, you're stupid, Ayaka, you weren't good enough for him and he left you for someone else... You should follow your brother's example, he's much better than you. -

- Sorry, mother... -

- Go to your room now, I don't want to see you. -

The girl obeyed and went up to her room, avoided crying since she never did, she had become so accustomed to enduring the screams and offenses from her mother that it did not even hurt anymore. 

She needed Kazuha, but it was her choice to have caused everything that had happened. She had no one else, she had driven them all away.

Leaving that behind. Two weeks had passed, classes were about to end for good, but something that worried Scaramouche was that Kazuha was not going to the last classes.

Every day Scara went to visit him at home, but there was no response from the albino. He left gifts at the door of his house taking care that his father did not see this.

The penultimate school day had arrived, a typical and dumb dance prom could not be missing to celebrate everyone's graduation.

But Scaramouche and Kokomi were not happy like everyone else, they were the most worried about Kazuha, he didn't even show up that day. Or well, that's what they thought.

- He didn't reply to your messages? -
- No.-
- He didn't he call you? -
- No.-
- Haven't he left his home? -
- Do you see him around here? -
- No... -
- You know the answer now. - 

Both stood on tiptoe to be able to see above people, perhaps they had escaped seeing him. Thinking about it, who would miss seeing an albino with a red strand of hair? Impossible, isn't it?

Catching him off guard, someone touched Scaramouche's shoulder. - Hey, someone's looking for you at the door. -

Immediately Kokomi and Scaramouche looked at each other, the boy went as fast as he could to the door. He smiled relieved to see that it was Kazuha, but to his bad luck, he wasn't the only one Kazuha was looking for.

Next to Scaramouche had arrived Ayaka, both stared at each other. Kamisato quickly lowered her gaze, and Scaramouche frowned.

Kazuha came to Ayaka and looked at her seriously.

- Uhm, these days I have taken the time to reflect and think clearly... Think maturely. - Those people nearby decided to listen too.

- Analyzing the problem, I came to the conclusion that the three of us are blame for everything that happened. -

Ayaka got confused, she thought I would say something insulting, but she didn't.

- On my side, I admit that it was disrespectful to have accepted dates and kisses with Scara knowing that I was in a relationship with you, and even more wrong to be with you to hide who I really am. -

He started playing a little with the sleeves of his suit. - On Scaramouche's part, having entered dangerous waters and getting into the relationship, and you, you were the worst among us... -

People close to him were attentive to the situation, especially Kokomi, just in case she had to defend Kazuha or Scaramouche. 

- You were with other guys during four years while you were with me, that's much worse. No infidelity is justified, so I can't say anything about it... I forgive you, but that doesn't mean we'll be back together or everything will be the same as before. -

Ayaka nodded and smiled lightly, saying "Okay" it was what she needed. Kazuha turned to Scaramouche and swallowed dry.

- And you... Ehm, I'm sorry for not answering your messages, I received the gifts, they were very nice and really not necessary, sorry for worrying you, sorry for being so afraid and not being conscious about everything, I really love you, I was afraid to come out, but now not anymore, I'm sorry. -

- I forgive you, but did you said... That you love me? Well, it was really obvious, but it was nice to hear you admiting it. -

Kazuha immediately fell silent, his cheeks got blushed. -Yes... I said that, I think. -

Scaramouche smiled broadly, took the albino's cheeks and left a kiss on his lips. Kiss that was reciprocated instantly.

Kokomi was excited by the scene, so much so that she thoughtlessly kissed Sara. When she realized it, whe immediately got apart. - Shit... Heh, what a shame, haha... Forget that. -

- Do it again. - Sara said.

- Sorry, what? -

- Nothing...-

It had been a while after those conversations, everyone seemed to have fun dancing, but Ayaka seemed to want to do something, it wasn't a bad thing.

- What's wrong? You seem very off. - Yoimiya said approaching Ayaka.

- Yes, it's because of everything that happens... But I want to tell them what really happened, it was quite a misunderstanding. -

- If that's what keeps you worried, tell them now. I know you're a really good person and you only have things that hurt you so you have made bad decisions, I trust that a lot. -

She poured herself some blackberry juice and left with her friends, Ayaka watched her leave with a slight smile. After a few seconds of thought about it, she got up and headed towards where Kazuha was.

- Kazuha, Scaramouche, it was all a misunderstanding. - 

They both looked at her in confusion, especially Scara, who had called him the way he wanted and not as she usually did.

- What do you mean by that? - Asked Scaramouche.

- I want to tell you why I did what I did, what really happened, some photos are taken out of context... And also some behaviors. -

- You can't justify something like what you did. -

Ayaka sighed. - I did all that to take Kazuha away from my family. -


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