Dear Mother.

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Ayaka swallowed dry. - I did all that to take Kazuha away from my family. -

-What do you mean? - Kazuha asked, he had no idea of any family issues so that reason was weird to him.

The girl sighed ready to tell him everything that had happened.

Kamisato Ayaka narrates.

You see, when I had my first boyfriend long before you arrived I introduced him to my parents, but they criticized me and complained that it was not enough for me.

Consequently, I broke up with him and we cut ties, I dedicated myself to looking for boyfriends that my mom liked. None of them liked them until you arrived, Kazuha.

She was so interested in you, she accepted you only because you are the son of important entrepreneurs and you have money, you are attractive both physically and personally.

It was months later that I realized that I was never looking for my happiness, but that of my mother and "the genes of the Kamisato family." After thinking about it, I decided not to continue looking for boyfriends for the good of my family, but for myself.

And here comes the misunderstandings, the dates with Thoma, they weren't romantic dates, they were friendly dates. Thoma is like my best friend and is my brother's boyfriend, but they have been hiding it because my mom does not like same-gender relationships, she is very religious, and my father all he does is be submissive to my mom's decisions and opinions.

As for the other guys you showed, they were close friends, some were my exes. Except Albedo, who I deeply admit to being unfaithful, was the only one I loved, but he found out about Kazuha and my mom and we broke up. I had to push him away so my mom would be proud of my decisions.

Among all this, I could not break up with Kazuha on my own, my mother would criticize me... I thought that making Kazuha break up with me that wouldn't happen, I was wrong... 

I made bad decisions, I decided to pretend to be mean to Kazuha and those around me, to treat him and others very badly, but he was very in love with me and he let me know that... I felt terrible about hurting him, but I thought it was necessary.

Even when Scaramouche arrived, I knew he wasn't looking at me, I knew he was looking at Kazuha, but he wanted Kazuha to come to him so my plan was to complain about Scaramouche to get him closer.

I was there when they kissed, I saw it, I felt something... Relieved that Kazuha could finally get away, it may not have been the best plan, but I didn't know what to do.

I let things flow, until they decided to expose me in the Kinenbi, it was what I least wanted, but at the same time what I needed most.

Kokomi, I would like to apologize to you for treating you badly in your time, I know I hurted you a lot... Like Kazuha, I'm so sorry. That was all I had to explain.

Omniscient narrator.

- So... In other words, your family controls you to hold the family tree, right? - Scaramouche asked.

- Yes, that's right... -

Kokomi got closer to Ayaka and hugged her. - Forgive me for exposing you at the Kinenbi with Scara, I didn't know anything... Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you. -

- I didn't think that asking for help could work... -

- If you need help or support then - said Kazuha, being interrupted by Scara - Count on us. -

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