Back To Her.

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Despite carrying the weight of being the protagonists of such a big rumor, the days had been quiet.

That was until the precise moment when, while Kazuha was reading his favorite book, his cell phone exploded in notifications.

Several people wrote him asking if he was okay, others sending him luck and support, others insulting Scaramouche.

"What the hell is happening?" It was Kazuha's first thought.

After a couple of minutes investigating he realized, someone had posted photos of the dates he had with Scaramouche.

"Remember the Kunikuzushi rumor? The m*therf*cker tried to force Kazuha to be with him, look how he kisses him and keeps him close without his permission... He's a jerk. Kazuha would never dare to do such a thing to Ayaka." The post said. The comments were attacking.

His panic and attack were not exaggerated, his hands began to shake and tears came out of his eyes, he didn't even care about Ayaka, immediately called Scaramouche.

Scaramouche only had to hear the boy cry to know what was happening, of course he had also seen the publication.

- Hey, Kazuha... Everything will be fine, the affected is not you... -

- It doesn't matter! What about you? What will happen after this? -

Scara avoided crying or showing any kind of reaction to the albino's condition. - Kazu, if something happens... I'll try to escape of it, okay? I'll do it for you. -

- I don't want to go to college tomorrow, I don't plan to go... -

- You have to face that, I repeat, the affected here is not you ... They are attacking me for what happened, I know how to deal with it. -

Kazuha fell silent before hanging up the call, he only had to hug himself while tears helped him fall asleep and wait until the next day.

The next day he arrived, although both arrived by different paths, they met at the door of the university. They stared at each other worriedly, many negative emotions combined. Kazuha looked away.

When they entered, the opposite of what Kaedehara imagined happened. He thought that everyone's going to attack him, but they just hugged him and said they thought Scara was a jerk. Scaramouche was looked at again with contempt, perhaps more than the previous time.

Ayaka was approaching them, Kazuha's eyes filled with fear.

- Kazu! Are you ok? - She hugged him tightly, kissed his cheek.

- Y-Yes, I am... -

Ayaka separated from Kazuha to get closer to Scaramouche, slapped him when he was in front of him.

- You're stupid to think that Kazuha would do such a thing to me, and you knew it, that's why you forced him to go with you. -

- No, I...! - He was going to defend himself, but he would only put the boy he loved at risk.

- You what? Do you have anything to say? -

- No... -

- That's what I thought. - The girl took the albino's hand and walked away from the crowd.

Everyone ignored Scaramouche, everyone excluded him. Except Tartaglia, who placed his hand on Scara's shoulder to support him, and Kokomi, who just looked at everything that happened and how devastated the boy looked.

Time seemed to pass in slow motion for Scara, Kazuha received unconditional support as if he had lived through something horrible, and Scaramouche was treated like a predator, discriminated against by some people for being gay.

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