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The eldest was silent for a moment and crossed his arms. - Kazuha leave us alone. -

The two boys looked at each other in confusion, yet the albino's gaze seemed to say that he did not want to leave and leave his partner alone, but Scaramouche's gaze approved of staying. He nodded his head and then went upstairs and hid there just to listen to the conversation.

- What's your name? -

- Scaramouche. -

- Are you a girl who dresses as a boy? - He asked in hopes of convincing himself that his son was not homosexual.

- No, sir, I'm a boy... -

- Was it your fault? That my son became homosexual. -

Scaramouche's expression denoted disagreement with the older man's way of thinking. - No, it wasn't my fault, your son is gay even before he met me. He was with his last girlfriend to hide it from you. -

- Do you like men because you haven't met a good woman? - That question was what exhausted Scara's patience, even if he used to have a lot of patience.

- Excuse me, I will not allow you to discriminate my sexuality, tastes and person with those kinds of questions, I want this conversation to end now. -

- What do you like about my son? -

That was what calmed the jet and stopped him from leaving, he turned to look at Mr. Kaedehara willing to answer as honest and sure as he could be.

- I like his eyes... His voice is relaxing and like an angel, his smile is also very cute, I like that he accepts his mistakes although sometimes he realizes late. He's an excellent boy, I love him the way he is, I love him for being him. -

The eldest only knew how to shut up when he heard that answer, it reminded him of when he was so in love with his wife and how she made him feel, what Scaramouche had said were details that Kazuha had inherited from his mother.

- Retire yourself. - Kazuha quickly went up to his room.

The jet nodded with a proud expression, went upstairs and drove to his boy's room. Upon entering, what he could find was a Kazuha with small tears in his eyes.

- A-Are you okay? - Scara asked running to her boyfriend to hug him and dry his tears, then left a few short kisses on the albino's face.

- I'm perfect. - He replied with a calm smile.

- Of course you are... - said the jet looking dumbfounded at the boy he love.

- Why are you tender in private and dominant in public? -

- Isn't that obvious? People can steal you. -

Both laughed, Kazuha in particular, would not make the same mistake of going with another person with the minimum attention that this one gave him since he was now with someone better for him. This time he would strive to make things work for both him and his new relationship.

- Are you free tomorrow? - Asked Scaramouche.

- Mmh, yes Why? - 

- Let's go out tomorrow to the Moutiyima Forest. -

- B-But that is very far away, it's in Sumeru... -

- No matter, it will be worth traveling a few hours to get there. -

- Okay...-

The next day arrived, Kazuha got ready for the trip just like Scara, they had slept together that night (they did nothing sexual) to prepare together. They left in the afternoon after lunch and traveled without difficulty to Sumeru, now it was time to go to Moutiyima. 

Once they arrived thanks to the indications of a forest ranger, they only knew how to be guided by a map and their ingenuity exploring to enjoy the views of the area. Scaramouche looked somewhat nervous, and Kazuha was too excited to notice it.

- In one of our dates you said that you would rather go to a forest than anywhere else, didn't you? - Scaramouche said.

- Yup, that's right... You remembered it! - Smiled sweetly.

- Well, uhm... I brought you here to tell you and give you something important... -

Kazuha now noticed Scaramouche's nervousness, something was happening. Would it be a good thing or a bad thing I would say to him?

- Everything is fine? What are you going to say? -

The jet took the albino's hands and stared at him trying to make eye contact, he couldn't follow him, just blushed and looked for a small box in his backpack.

- I know we are something, but it is not so official, formally the question was not asked and I wanted to be the one to ask it... -

He opened the box, in this was a necklace that matched the necklace that Scara wore at that time. The necklace for Kazuha had an maple leaf pendant while Scaramouche's was a serrated lanceolate leaf pendant, both gold charms and silver necklaces.

- Kaedehara Kazuha, although I already know the answer... Do you grant me the honor of being your boyfriend? - 

The albino was stunned, his cheeks were red, and his excitement was growing more and more. He carefully closed the box to avoid disasters, this to be able to rush towards Scaramouche to give him a kiss on the lips and hug him tightly.

- Of course (!) -

It was July 21, Scaramouche promised himself that he would not forget in any way to celebrate a couple's mesversary every 21st.

Several months passed, they were still together and had planned to live together in a small house in Sumeru, they had both loved the atmosphere of this region. If you have questions about the friends of these boys, don't worry because your trusted narrator will tell you what happened to them.

Lumine and Ayaka after a few dates fell in love and are now in a relationship, Kokomi could finally declare himself to Sara although it was not reciprocated at the time, Ayaka went to therapy so apparently she is already a good person and admits the mistakes she has made. 

And if you ask yourself, "Who told me this whole story?" I introduce myself, my name is Tomo, an old friend of Kazuha... His imaginary friend as a child. I've always been with him and it was the perfect time to tell his story. That said...

The end.

Written by Aiko aka kkorivv

Aah, I can only thank all of you for the support towards the story, I never thought that a story made by me would become more than a fan of Wattpad or the community, seriously thank you very much and a huge apology if the story had failures both script, narration or spelling.

I will not mark as finished this work since I need to make a few spin-offs of: The relationship of Ayaka and Lumine, the past of Kazuha and Ayaka, the explicit chapter 4 (where Kazu and Scara have seggs) and the explanation of things that were not clear in the story. Wait for four more updates, I do this because several have asked for it.

I love you. <3

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