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A few days had passed, Ayaka and Kazuha were still meeting at school pretending that nothing bad was happening that could obstruct their relationship. What Ayaka didn't know was that that precise night Kazuha wasn't studying like he told her he would, and wouldn't tell her he was helping his father because they had formed a slight father and daughter-in-law friendship.

So what was Kazuha actually doing? Where was he?

Kazuha was at Scaramouche's house, in the room sitting on top of him straddling, kissing his lover lips and hugging his neck.

Scaramouche's hands were positioned on the albino's hips between the kiss, nothing explicit had happened, no one forced anyone... So why and how did they find themselves in such a situation?

Hours ago.

It was school time, Kazuha was attentive to the teacher as he always was. In the middle of the class, Ayaka asked permission to go to the bathroom and when it was granted Scaramouche took out his phone and message Kazuha.

"See you at the library when everyone leaves." It was what Scaramouche's message said. Kazuha didn't answer, just looked at him as soon as he read the message.

It was time to leave, Scaramouche was the first to save his things in his backpack and go out to the library.

- You're leaving, babe? - Ayaka asked.

- Yes. - Kazuha replied.

- Let's go together? -

- No, I'll ask Miss Lisa for some books to study at home. -

- Study what? We don't have any exams or lessons. -

Kazuha looked at her for a few seconds - I just want to study, I won't accompany you home today. -

- What if something happens to me? -

- Then call the police. - Ayaka was about to answer, but was interrupted by her boyfriend.

- Before you tell me that I prefer studies before you, if I don't study I will not be able to give you the future you want with me. - He said to finally get rid of her and go to the library.

Ayaka didn't follow him, she just left the classroom angrily.

Kazuha arrived at the library and looked for Scara with his eyes but didn't found him, he was taken by the wrist. - Hey baby, shall we go out today? - Said the dark-haired boy, surprising the albino.

- Damn, Scaramouche, you made me pass the risk of coming here just to ask me something that - He was interrupted.

- That it was obvious that you were going to accept? - Kazuha was silenced.

- Yes. - Blurted out, making Scaramouche laugh.

Scara left a kiss on Kazuha's cheek before holding his hand. - Wait... Did you hear that? - Kazuha asked after hearing a camera, followed by running footsteps. Scara shook his head.

- No, maybe it's nothing, come on. -

Scara took the albino home, on his motorcycle as usual. It took quite a long time for Kazuha to put aside the worry of what he had heard.

They get home and got everything ready to watch one or several movies in Scara's room. They sat next to each other, but Kazuha was restless, which Scaramouche immediately noticed.

- What's the matter? Are you ok? -

- I don't like to lie to Ayaka, I've been lying to her all these days to go with you. -

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