Rumor Has It.

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- Will we blame him? -

- Sure, didn't you hear the conversation with Kazuha? Did you not see the way he kissed him without his consent? -

- You are right. -

- If anything else happens, it's all Kunikuzushi's fault. -

- And what's the plan? Quite apart from publishing more things... -

- We'll create rumors while we get photos, sometimes rumors bring to light something that should not and that was believed not to be so. -

- Really? And what shall we say? -

- Just follow my instructions, Kokomi. -

Sara took out her phone and messaged a girl in particular, she was characterized by never knowing how to keep secrets, turning them into gossip, of course without bad intention, she just wasn't so quiet and reserved.

"Yoimiya, have you heard the rumor?"

"Hey Sari, which rumor? What are you talking about? 🧐"

"The rumor has it Kunikuzushi wants to get into Kazuha and Ayaka's relationship."

After that small conversation, after two days without exaggeration, among most of the students the rumor they had created wandered.

Everyone looked at Scaramouche with contempt, some with doubt, some others just didn't look at him. It was inevitable for him wonder what was wrong.

It was recess, Ayaka had not didn't go to classes, which was already rare. Scaramouche was attentive to Kazuha, rather, he was attentive to any opportunity that presented himself to be with the albino.

Finally, everyone went out to enjoy the break and Kazuha was left alone in the classroom. After a few minutes Scara returned to the classroom.

- You're still here. - Scaramouche said when he saw Kazuha.

- What are you doing here? Someone can see you. -

- I love that you take care of me, but everyone is in their stuff... What about your girlfriend? -

- Well, I don't think that today everyone is completely in "their stuff" -

- What's the matter? You sound upset. - He asked as he sat next to the boy.

- Don't you know what's wrong? There are rumors about us, Scara. -

Scaramouche's reaction reflected a clear concern, so that was the reason that everybody was looking at him.

- What exactly are they saying? -

- They say you want to get into my relationship with Ayaka. -

- And isn't that what I'm doing? - He said raising his eyebrow.

- Of course you are, but people are already beginning to suspect. -

- Look, if they don't say your name we're fine, they just suspect that I want to get into the relationship but they don't say who I intend with. -

Both stared at each other, Kazuha sighed and laid his head on the desk.

- Ayaka is ill, her brother and parents are not in home so I will go to her house to take care of her, we can't have a date today. -

- Okay, okay... Take care of yourself too, alright? -

When it was time for everyone to go home, Kaedehara quickly went to the Kamisato's house, entered without further ado, it was already trustworthy to know where the key was kept hidden. He went up to his couple's room and sat on the bed.

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