After Long.

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When everyone left, Scara and Kazuha along with a few other people stayed last to clean the place as an act of responsibility and collaboration. Suddenly a conversation resonated in the room even if it was in a low voice.

A couple of girls who were friends started talking about the situation that had occurred earlier, which made Kazuha uncomfortable.

- Do you think what Ayaka said is true? - She asked whisperingly.

- Pfft, no... She was always a bitch, she always had everything and now she comes out with the mom hating her to excuse her infidelity, she is a despicable person. - Responded in the same way.

- She sounded too remorseful to be a lie. -

- Well, she was a mass manipulator and in theater class she was the teacher's favorite, I am not surprised that she is a good actress even to excuse herself and save her reputation. -

- You're right... How unfortunate, how could she do that to Kaz - She was interrupted by the albino's voice.

- Enough. You're always involved in the lives of other people without knowing how this could affect other people, just think about yourselves. Also, you don't know what Ayaka and I have lived through, so keep quiet and don't say things you don't know. -

Kazuha left the cleaning objects aside without being violent and approached Scara to touch his shoulder.

- Can we leave? I've finished my part... -

- Uh... Yeah, let's go. -

Scara took his boy's hand and they left the place, even though Scaramouche had not completely finished his part of the job.

They were both walking home since Scara had not taken his bike that day, Kazuha had a somewhat serious expression and Scara was calm, so the jet took the albino's hand to test if he could calm down a little.

- Why did you believe Ayaka? ... I don't want to say that I don't believe her, she looked sorry and hurt, but I want to know why you believed her. -

- Because once she took me home to meet his parents, his dad didn't speak to me, he just smiled and nodded, and her mom asked me personal things to know about my family and occupations. They didn't let Ayaka speak at any time even though I tried to include her in the conversation several times... I remembered it when she was telling everything. -

The dark-haired boy nodded without saying anything, his question was already answered and it was not up to him to continue with that conversation to be honest, he only dedicated himself to caressing his hand with his thumb while they walked home.

- My father will not accept you. -

-I don't care. I love you, not your father. -

- I know, but he's homophobic, I was always afraid to come out because of that. The only one who would had supported me would be my mom. -

- Had? -

Kazuha looked at Scaramouche and with that he implied everything without even saying anything - She passed away three years ago and nobody knows, from there my father and I have a worse relationship. -

- I'm very sorry for that... -

- I'll talk to my dad. He must understand who I am as a father and if he does not accept me, I will try to do everything possible to make him realize that I cannot always be what he wants me to be. -

Scaramouche smiled proudly and patted his boyfriend's head - Alright, that's my boy. -

After a while more walking they arrived at the house of the albino, who turned around to stare at the opposite to give him a kiss on the lips and a hug without caring that he was near his house and his father could see him. He separated and gave the boy a small smile.

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