(27) No longer home

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2nd Person Pov



You woke up laying in your bed. After a while of staring at the roof, you soon realised that you didn't even remember going home.

You had no recollection of how you got there or what happened last night. All you knew is that you were at the lantern rite festival along with Scaramouche.

Because the both of you were now eighteen, you guys decided to try alcohol for the first time. Clearly it did not go very well.

You groaned at the feeling of a headache all while being tired and thirsty at the same time. Who knew alcohol could have such a great effect on you.

Sloppily, you rolled off you bed and walked into your kitchen for a nice glass of water.

"Y/n your awake." Your father commented, watching you grab a cup from the cupboard.

You squint your eyes at him, only then remembering who he was. "Oh. Yeah I'm awake."

"As you already know, me and Linda are getting married soon yes?" The man started a conversation.

"Mhm." You nodded, pouring water into your cup.

"And she lives quite the distance from here."

"Mhm." You started downing your water from how thirsty you were.

"We're moving... Into her house."

That sentence made you spit out half of your water, and choke on the rest. You were practically coughing a lung out, holding onto the kitchen counter. "We're what?"



"Because Linda lives a hundred miles away, neither of us want to drive an hour and forty minutes just to see one another."

"Explain why the hell we have to move and not her?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"She has a bigger house."

"That's it?" You deadpanned.

"Yes, that's it."

"What about school?"

"You'll have to find a new one." Your father crossed his arm.

"But I don't want to." You complained.

"You don't have a choice."

"Well I should have a choice."

The way you spoke irked him. "You don't. You don't have a say in this Y/n."

You glared at the guy before storming off to your room. Your father single handedly ruined your day.

Plopping onto your bed once again, you pulled out your phone.


[ Kazu🍁]




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