Chapter 12 Princess ?!?!

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Spike and Apple jack went to the castle of Apple jack. That is said on the letter.When they arrived the royal guards bowed to Apple jack. Apple jack is still confused. How could she be a princess if she's an earth pony.

She never did saw her parents because she was raised by her grandmother. They where escorted by a royal guard to the room where Apple jack's uncle is. When they arrived Spike left Apple Jack alone with her uncle.

He was worried. What if she's a princess and they have to rule both kingdoms ?!?! How will Spike rule his kingdom and Apple jack's kingdom ?!?!Spike sat on the stairs worriedly.

As Apple jack went inside her uncle spoke to her...

" My dear you are next in line to the throne." Apple jack's uncle said.

" I...I don't want to be next in the throne I want to be with Spike ! " Apple jack argued.

" Well... well... The throne must be given to someone somehow ! "He argued back.

" Well why don't you take it I don't want it anyway ! " Apple jack suggested.

Spike heard everything by accident. He can't believe that she will not take the throne just to be with him.He realized how much she loves him and not by the bits but by love.

" You won't accept the throne just for a dragon that is also a prince ?!?! " AJ'S uncle shouted.

" He's not just a dragon ! I love him and that's none of your business ! I told you ,if you want the throne take it cause I don't want it ! " Apple jack argued.

" You know what fine ! Have it your way your 'Highness' ! " He said.

" Goodbye ! " Apple jack said as she walked out of the door to Spike.

" You really love me like that ? " Spike asked.

" You heard everythin ? " Apple jack asked back.

" Yeah well you where both shouting . " Spike answered.

" Well yeah I love you more than apples,bits not even a throne for a princess." Apple jack answered.

Spike blushed as he leaned closer to Apple jack's shoulders.Apple jack placed her hoof around Spike.

" But who will rule this kingdom ? " Spike asked.

" Well I don't know Maybe my uncle since he looks like he can have the throne rather me." Apple jack answered with a frown.

" What's wrong Apple jack you seem a bit down ? " Spike asked.

" I never thought I was a princess I always believed that I will always be a regular pony. I don't have wings ! I don't have a horn ! " Apple jack said.

" You have your heart . " Spike Continued.

"Err right ! I have a heart but for lovin not bein a princess ! " Apple jack said.

" A heart has many purpose I have no wings no horn but I lead. " Spike said.

" Yah right . But this is my decision let's go home. " Apple jack said as she stood up and started to prepare home.

The carriage arrived they both went inside. They returned home to their castle.When they returned home Apple jack went to her room.She saw her little sister gave her a surprise home party.

" Surprise ! " Apple bloom said out loud.

" Aw thank ya'll " Apple jack said .

" You where only gone for like half a day but we miss yah already." Apple bloom added.

" You really are the best brother and sister in all of equestria." Apple jack said hugging them.

" Now ya'll we better get somethin to eat I'm really starvin for apples ! " Apple jack said.

Apple jack went to the dinning room where she sat with the prince.They started to eat. Aft\er eating Discord got Apple jack. She completely forgot all about the tips she was looking for.

She remembered that the grand galloping gala is next week Discord can ask Flutter shy there. She will just have to ask Spike if he can just give discord the ticket and not to Flutter shy so Discord can make Flutter shy her plus one.

" Ok how about this ! You will ask Fluter shy to be your plus one to the gala ?" Apple jack suggested.

"But she has her own tickets ! She's a royal guard ! " Discord said.

" I'll just ask Spike if he can give tickets to you only and not her so she can go as your plus one would that sound great ? " Apple jack asked.

" Ok I can do this. * Gulp* " Discord said.



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