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Please be advised:

This is a work of fiction. All names of characters, places, or groups are fictitious and any similarity to real-life people, places, or groups are completely coincidental. The themes and opinions conveyed within the story are not meant to target, insult, or hate on any person, group, religion, ethnicity, community, country, or institution and are solely the opinions of the characters.

Bullying, insults, and personal attacks towards other reader(s) and extended or directed to the author will not be tolerated. All readers in violation will be given one warning. Failure to desist hereafter, will result in you being muted, therefore disabling your ability to continue viewing anything put forth by the author. Readers are more than welcomed to comment and carry forth conversations so long readers remain respectful and do not turn to bullying or negatory tactics to dismantle a conversation with someone with whom they disagree.

Readers are also encouraged to inbox the author should they wish to say anything (particularly if it will be lengthy paragraphs and will exceed more than one post). This is because the author uses the conversation board primarily for announcements and updates regarding works-in-progress. Inbox messages are also more likely to be seen and read.

With that being said, let's all sit back and enjoy a good story. This is my first Mystery/Thriller story, so I hope you all enjoy it. Please do not shy away from commenting and voting as I always look forward to your feedback and reading your comments on how much you enjoy the story, what you like and don't like about it. I absolutely love connecting with readers of my stories.

Side Note#1: Long time followers and readers of mine will know that I've talked about rewriting a few of my books. 'Obsession' is one such story and it was previously titled 'Rebecca's Brother'. However, initially, that story was started on a whim and had no real direction. 'Obsession' is the new and improved version, and it might feel like reading a whole new story to the readers and followers who initially read Rebecca's Brother.

Side Note#2: 'Obsession' is one novel with three parts: Secret, Suspect, and Serpent. The road to completion will be marked by three large updates under each of those respective sub-titles.

Side Note #3: Please do not copy or steal my story/characters. If anyone wishes to do translations into another language, you may first contact me via my Wattpad inbox. State the title of which book you wish to translate, and into which language. It must be only for Wattpad. At least this way, I will be informed, and please do ensure to state who is the original writer in the translated text to avoid the translated version being reported.

Side Note #4: If readers wish to do fanart, you are more than welcomed to do so. Just send it to me via messages on my Instagram @amy_rajpat and state the necessary credits with the fanart.

Once again, I look forward to your feedback.

Hybrid Out!

Cover created using Canva.  

ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now