Serpent: Chapter 53

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Loud and deafening, it seemed to swallow him. It was painful. Where was it coming from?

No, was...

Gabriel braced his hands on his knees, leaning against the wall of a shop two doors down from Mildred's. He was hunched over, his breath leaving him in shallow pants and puffs.

The noise had been coming from inside his mind. Jumbled and erratic, he had grown so frightened that he had been slammed back to that unfaithful night five years ago.

It was just like then.

How easily that man had slipped inside their home. He had been watching them for days – maybe even weeks like the detective who handled their case had suspected. How easily that man had invaded their home, watched them sleeping and being a family before he struck, attacking in the silent darkness of the night – one that had felt so heavy, so alive and terrifying to Gabriel once upon a time – and stealing his mother's life.

It was the exact same thing.

Josh had been watching them. Josh had watching him.

And now he had struck again. So easily, it was almost effortless. He had Julian.

Blowing a steady breath out through his mouth, Gabriel ran his hands through his hair and down his neck. He needed to think, needed to clear through the clutter.

He should call Regina.

No, he couldn't do that. If Josh figured out he wasn't alone, then he would kill Julian. Gabriel was not willing to risk Julian's life that way.

But he had to do something. He couldn't go there by himself and risk Josh getting away.

He righted himself and started the trek to the police station, questioning and second-guessing his decision the entire way there. Few times he had stopped and turned but righted his direction again and continued along.

He knew it was risky. He was gambling with Julian's life, but he simply could not allow Josh to get away, to evade capture another day and give him the chance to continue terrorizing them.

"Gabe?" Regina called as she stepped away from the front desk where she had been speaking with the officer there. Regina immediately read the room, seeing the pale expression and Gabriel's wide and terror-filled brown eyes. He was eerily quiet, too.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" she asked, coming forward and intercepting him. She gently touched his cheek when he wouldn't look at her.

"He..." Gabriel trailed, wide and frightened brown eyes raising to meet hers. Regina's concern grew.

"What is it?"

"He has Julian. At Dudley Park."


Gabriel nodded and seemed to snap out of his stupor. He fished out his mobile and pulled up the message. "We were supposed to meet up at Mildred's Café but when he didn't show up, I got worried. I called a few times, and he didn't answer. Then I got this message."

Regina's stomach churned as she glanced back to Gabriel. He was doing his best to stay calm given the situation, but he was quickly losing that battle. He fiddled with his hands that carried a visible shake and his expression remained as ashen as it was when he'd first walked in.

No, he had grown paler.

Gabriel stuck his hands into his jacket pockets, fisting his hands to ground the trembles.

"I don't know what to do, Regina."

But she did. She had already devised a plan. It was risky but this might be their only shot at catching him.

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