Suspect: Chapter 29

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It was after 3 o'clock in the afternoon on that Tuesday, following Julian's final lecture for the day that he regrouped with Duncan who was already waiting in the lounge area of the lecture hall. Julian would run through his notes and the lecture material at a later time for there was a more pressing matter that required his attention.

For the duration of those two hours, his mind had been everywhere else but inside that lecture theatre. His mind constantly mulled over what they had done and were about to do – had agreed at his behest – that very afternoon. He mulled over how long such a thing might take, and what they would come face-to-face with.

Julian had thought about it, overthinking, appearing to be engrossed in the class material in the eyes of the lecturer up on the stage. He thought about how he might react, and he thought if their search led them directly to S.A., what would he do?

Would he lash out in vehement anger at the upset the dastardly coward had wrought in their lives – in Gabriel's? Would he be too shocked by S.A.'s identity to make a move? Or would he succumb to the healthy dose of fear that doubt – a shred of reality – had fashioned in his mind? Julian would not necessarily describe himself as a confrontational person although he knew many who would say such about him. He never ran or backed out of a challenge, but at the same time, he knew when to use words or walk away. Julian simply had no idea what side of himself that a confrontation with S.A. might bring forth.

"Did anything change?"

Julian nodded his head, glancing to his mobile screen and checking the app to be sure. "The location's different than before but it's been the same for the last hour and a half."

"Do you still want to do this? I understand if you're having second thoughts, and I'll be honest, I've been debating the sanity of this whole thing. We have no idea what we could be walking into."

"I know. But..." Julian paused, a fleeting doubt snatching his words as he thought about the possibility of coming face-to-face with S.A. He questioned if he was ready for that. Mentally, and emotionally. Did he have the emotional fortitude to remain sane and in control if such a confrontation happened? Would he be able to keep a cool head and remain as stoic as he often appeared to others?

How would I handle it, he thought.

"I have to do this," he said with finality in his tone – confident and assertive.

"What if you don't like what we find?"

Julian turned to look at his friend, his features set in a firm expression in which there was a definite shred of uncertainty. "I'll deal with it then."

The two set off to the most recent location the app provided on S.A.'s number. It was close to the city limits, bordering the quaint little town of Shaw. They drove in their respective vehicles with Julian leading the way, and then took the main road as if they were headed into Shaw. They swung right on the intersection, turning onto the same stretch of road that would take them to Ranger's Park if they continued driving far enough.

The last location from S.A.'s mobile number came from along the stretch headed to Ranger's Park – somewhere between the intersection and the park itself – the distance occupied by large fields, towering trees, and acres in-between of woodland areas. The peculiarity of the predicament in which they had found themselves was quite loud as they pulled over to the side of the street, both contemplating their next move and the right route of action.

Julian glanced in the rear-view mirror, hearing Duncan's car door open and close. He got out of his own car to talk with his friend.

"You're sure this is the place?" Duncan glanced first to his left where there was an expanse of open fields and to his right where there was the woodland.

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