Suspect: Chapter 42

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Julian checked the time on his phone. It was well past six in the evening and hockey practice had run later than usual. By now, it was too late to catch that movie at the local theatre in Shaw; it was already at least an hour in.

The Sherriff's curfew had become redundant after Lynette Isaacs was snatched in public, in broad daylight, at least six hours before the proposed curfew time.

It was not safe at all in Shaw, but Julian was not about to let that stop him. His life couldn't go on hold just because there was a coward running around the town, kidnapping defenceless women, and then doing horrid things to them.

He had made a promise to Gabriel, and he had every intention of fulfilling it, even if it meant finding some other way to make it up to him.

On the drive back to Shaw, Julian contemplated all the ways in which he could make it up to Gabriel. He could stop by the supermarket and purchase some snacks. Then he and Gabriel could spend the evening cosied up in the latter's room, watching movies on Netflix.

No, that wouldn't work. Julian shook his head. The point of going to see a movie was to get Gabriel out of the house, to try and pull him out of the reclusive hermit shell he had forced himself into.

Then he got an idea. He drove home and freshened up, changing into a fresh set of clothing. Julian grabbed jeans and a plain jersey and then went over to the closet to fetch a clean jacket.

As he sifted through the racks, Julian frowned as his eyes lowered to the right corner of the cramped closet. His eyebrows knitted. Something was off but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. He was sure there used to be something occupying that space, but what was it? Julian shook his head and grabbed the jacket he was looking for and shrugged it on.

He drove over to the Hastings' residence next and knocked on the door. Julian tucked his hands into his pockets, scuffing his boots against the ground while waiting for the door to open.

Jeremiah Hastings peeped through the peephole wondering who could be at his door at such an hour. It was not too late, but he was not expecting Regina tonight. She was swamped at the station and the last he had spoken to her was an hour after the press conference. He had worried that she was not eating, Regina often forgot to look after herself when she was working. He had offered to bring her dinner, but she refused, saying that even then, though she would appreciate his effort, it would go to waste.

"I need to crack this thing wide open," she had said to him over the phone. "Shaw's counting on me, and I might have a lead. It could be the key to actually gaining a suspect."

Regina was not coming tonight, and if she had changed her mind, she would have called.

Jeremiah was uneasy and had grown incredibly more so over the last week. It had not been easy for him or Gabriel in town. Jeremiah was heckled and often on the receiving end of an insult or two, some bold enough to badger him, demanding to know how he could have raised such a monster and why he continued to protect him. Each time, Jeremiah's response had been the same.

"My son is innocent."

Even today, at work, and at the supermarket when he had stopped to replenish kitchen stock, people whispered and pointed, some approached asking again why he protected Gabriel when it was quite obvious that Gabriel had something to do with Lyssa's murder and Lynette's.

"We've been over this," Jeremiah had gritted out, growing agitated at having to repeat the same thing to people who just refused to see reason. "Gabriel had nothing to do with Lyssa's murder and he sure as hell did not kill Lynette. He hasn't left home in days."

Spying Julian Stroup through the peephole, he frowned, wondering if Gabriel had plans with him or if this was a spontaneous visit. Gabriel had returned to his shell. He rarely spoke to anyone, at least in person, to Jeremiah's knowing.

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