Secret: Chapter 13

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"Seriously," Josh groaned exasperatedly, "you too, Gabe? I swear, we haven't done anything together since Tuesday. And Rebecca's apparently busy, too."

Soccer practice on that fine Sunday morning was over. The boys were sweating like pigs and others were exhausted, so the team was split between wanting to do something, and others wanting to go home and sleep until they had recovered from a gruelling training session.

Josh Hart had been one of the players to suggest doing something, just him, and his three friends. Unfortunately, his plans would have to be postponed because Chris Choi was beat from the gruelling training session, wanting to get home, have a light lunch, shower, and sleep a little. Both he and Gabriel had vouched for Rebecca and stated that she would be busy, but between the four friends, only three were aware of why that was.

Chris and Gabriel exchanged glances, the former carrying a knowing grin.

"I think we should tell him," Chris stated.

Josh looked between his two friends and frowned. His interest was incredibly piqued. He didn't appreciate being the odd man out in their small friend group, and since they were as thick as thieves, it made no sense why they would exclude him.

"Tell me what?"

Chris glanced to Gabriel, silently communicating whether they should or should not. The latter saw no qualms with it, and Josh was, after all, their friend.

Like Chris, Josh had picked up on it that Julian was interested in Gabriel before the latter, himself, had even realized it, far too preoccupied with avoiding instances that would ruin their friendship, he'd been oblivious to Julian's subtle – not really – flirtations.

"Guys, come on," Josh whined. "Don't third wheel me! Just tell me what's up."

Chris and Gabriel exchanged glances, and the latter nodded, agreeing to Chris' silent question to go ahead and spill the beans. Chris then went closer to their friend and leaned in to whisper it like he was sharing some grand secret. And perhaps, he was. Chris was aware of one of the issues Gabriel might face even if his friend hadn't mentioned it.

They lived in a semi-religious town, with enough devout Christian followers to scrutinize and ostracise that which was different. To make an example of those who betrayed their beliefs, and the norms built from said principles.

Josh's eyes widened as he heard what his friend had whispered to him. "Oh," he said, and then when Chris mentioned the reason for why Gabriel would be unavailable to do anything with friends, Josh once again – and louder – exclaimed, "Oh! Oh wow!"

Josh was amazed as he flicked his gaze back and forth between the two. He still couldn't believe how fast things had moved along and perhaps, that was the part that struck him most. Just last Tuesday he and Chris had to spell it out for their friend what they saw for themselves, and in the blink of an eye, the snap of a finger, Gabriel had gone on his first date with Julian. Josh looked to Chris who nodded as if confirming he'd heard correctly, and Gabriel shrugged nonchalantly.

"Wow," Josh commented, laughing a little. "I! I probably sound dumb but...damn! You two move fast."

"It just happened," Gabriel replied, a small smile playing at his lips.

Josh then groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh great, now I'm an even bigger loser," he whined, looking as though he were in pain. He gestured to Chris, "This one and Rebecca are practically together at this point," he said, and then pointed to Gabriel, "and now you've got somebody. I need a girlfriend, dammit!"

"You'll find someone," Gabriel replied, and Josh pouted, shaking his head in denial.

"Nuh-uh! I highly doubt it. In every group of friends, there's the one who's always a single pringle. I don't want to be the single pringle, guys."

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