Suspect: Chapter 47

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Duncan had worked for three hours nonstop.

He had found compelling evidence though nothing that would forensically tie Josh to the murders. But there were certain things that he could not ignore and the information he had verified, painted a truly disturbing and terrifying image of Joshua Hart – something that not even Duncan himself would have guess in his wildest thoughts based on the person he met at Ranger's Park all those weeks ago.

He had not stopped even for a bathroom break as he worked on editing the video files, converting it to a different format where he had more control over the editing tools with functions that allowed him to clip and screenshot, magnify, and clear up the pixelation.

Then he set to work on compiling and condensing the video evidence, the medical reports, the information he had verified through his cousin at the precinct in the city, and the call to Sharpe Surveillance.

When it was a few minutes past the mark of five-thirty, he hit save, uploaded the file to his Drive, put a copy of it on his USB, and left another copy on his desktop. He uploaded the videos he clipped and edited on a separate Drive link, and then uploaded the video files once more to his Dropbox and the notes he made accompanied it.

He was taking no chances that something might slip by or be deleted.

From his call to Sharpe Surveillance, Ray Olsen would get off work by six in the evening. Duncan shut down his laptop, grabbed a can of Mountain Dew from his minifridge, and fished out the packet of potato chips he had purchased from the minimart opposite the church.

He locked his dorm room and started heading for the parking lot once more before he thought better of it. Lynette Isaacs and Nico Hoffman had been grabbed in broad daylight. Their personal belongings had shown up with them, and while Duncan was certain he wasn't in immediate danger, he could not dismiss the fact that S.A. had a close eye on Gabriel.

He was not taking any chances. He went back to the dorm and left the key with the girl at the front desk, asking her to keep hold of it and if someone else came asking for access to his dorm, she was to deny them that unless it was Julian Stroup. He did not miss her apprehensive glance and the mild worry that furrowed her eyebrows. But she did not push him with any questions.

Duncan left the university campus and made his way back to Shaw. He returned to Louie Street and saw that the blue pick-up was still parked out front but now Ray's Hatchback was also parked out front, behind the pick-up.

The curtains were still down but the lights in the front room was turned on. Duncan got out and locked his car, slipping his phone into his pocket. He jogged across the street and up the four steps of the front porch of the Hart residence and knocked on the door.

From the inside, he heard the low chatter coming from the television. He knocked again and then he heard the low thump of glass – probably a bottle – hitting wood. Then the sounds from the television filled the silence again before the doorknob jangled and it swung open to revealed a tired and dishevelled man in his late forties.

Ray Olsen still wore his uniform for Sharpe Security, but the jacket was crumpled and undone and the jersey he wore under it had been untucked from his belt and hung loosely.

Duncan's nose wrinkled as he caught the scent of cigarette smoke and alcohol – cheap beer.

"Who're you? What'd you want?" Ray questioned in an impatient tone. He scowled lightly at the disturbance. Then he paused, stepped forward and poked his head out. His scowl deepened as he looked at back at Duncan. "Where's that damn bastard brat? You his friend?"

"Is it safe to assume you and your stepson don't have a great relationship, then, Mr. Olsen?"

Ray blinked, dumbfounded. He made a move to slam the door in Duncan's face, but the latter stuck out his hand and his foot, preventing Ray from closing the door.

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