Chapter 1

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Please ignore the next few sentences if you haven't read the Manga/finished it.. Read below the title of chapter 1. Thank you.



"Do you know the history of your great great great gre-"

"Cut it out Sumihiko!" Sumihiko sheepishly laughed.

"But don't you ever wonder how they fell in love, Kanata?"

"Well... maybe... but there's no way we will know."

"I have the whole story! He wrote it down and I revised it into an actual story!" Sumi snickered as he put his hand on his chin.

"Aren't I good at these~!" Sumi said as Kanata sighed.




Chapter 1:
The Beginning.

Alarms ringing in her ears. Not wanting to wake up, she instantly felt the urge to cough.

*Cough Cough*

A fowl tangy taste enters her mouth. She looks down at her hands, her eyes still foggy. All she can make out is the watery red liquid running down them. She has the urge to cough as she quickly runs out of bed, the sound of her footsteps cushioned by the petals of roses as she enters the bathroom.

A few minutes passed as she cleaned herself up. She groaned and looked at her self in the mirror. That's right, she had the Hanahaki disease. It occurred unexpectedly as she never imaged herself to fall in love with her best friend. It's her third day having this disease, meaning her time may be short. Friday night was the night that she coughed flower petals and blood. She was afraid, afraid of going to school and having to face him. Her sisters have no idea about her disease and plans to keep it a secret; whether she does or not is up to her, and only her.

She quickly fumbles around trying to clean up the mess she had made. She grabbed her bedsheets to wash them. 'Great, it's annoying having to pick off these petals..' She thought as she groaned in annoyance. She picked the petals off one by one. As she finished she quickly washed and dried her sheets. She couldn't have her sisters know, let alone her brother-in-law!

She quickly ran back towards her room. The taste was still there. She frowned as she made her bed. Oh how the gods must hate her to curse her like this. There's no way she could be in love with anyone!

As she finished making her bed as she got ready to take a shower.


She looked over at her phone. Her cousin has texted her so early in there morning. Right, her cousin knew of her disease and wants her to confess her feelings.

Aoi 💙

How are you doing, Kanao?
5:56 AM

Just made a huge mess..

Kanao, let's walk together today
6:00 AM

Okay.. sure.

See you then!!
6:05 AM


Kanao put her phone down as she undressed herself while she walked to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and got herself ready. She looked in the mirror before leaving her room.

"You can do this, Kanao. Just don't cough today.." She muttered to herself as she made some hand gestures. She took a deep breath and walked out her room. She looked at her watch on her wrist.

"6:52.. Enough time to make myself breakfast." She whispered as she walked to the kitchen. She could smell something sweet coming from there. As she walked downstairs, she could see lights on in the kitchen. Sizzling was heard.

Kanao walked over there and peeked her head to see her sister cooking. She was humming as she looked over her shoulder to see her younger sister.

"Ara, Good morning Kanao!" She exclaimed as she smiled. This was Kanao's sister. She was a college student studying to be a nurse while also taking care of her younger sister. She has raven hair with purple tips, her eyes.. a deep beautiful purple. She could mesmerize anyone with those eyes.. Though, compared to her older sister.. She was the beauty of the family.. Everyone in the city can agree with that!

"Good morning, Shinobu.." She said lightly as she walked over. Shinobu handed her a plate of food. Pancakes with strawberries on top.. As a bit of whip cream. Kanao happily went and sat down to eat.

"Hey Kanao," Shinobu said out the blue. Kanao looked over at her sister as she cocked her head.

"How's Mr Kamado?" She asked as she flipped the pancakes she was making for herself. Kanao choked on her orange juice

"Ara! Kanao, are you alright!?" Shinobu asked worryingly as she walked over towards her. Kanao nodded as Shinobu pat her head. She walked back to the counter as she prepared her fruits.

"Sorry for asking randomly.. Tomioka invited me to a party that the Kamado's were hosting.." Kanao looked at her. Confused, she wondered why her best friend never told her. Did he get tired of having her around? Kanao only ate in silence and didn't bother to answer her question. As she finished she got up and grabbed her phone.

"I'll be going now.." She yelled out as she walked towards the front door.

"Take care Kanao!" Shinobu replied. Kanao smiled as she put on her shoes. Maybe today won't be a bad day after all..

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