Chapter 6

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A/N: Tanjiro is part of the basketball team!

Chapter 6:

Who Are You?

"Kanao... Are you sure you want to go to school..? I mean you ju-" Kanao only nodded as Shinobu sighed. 'She's been really quiet since yesterday..' Shinobu pulled her hair in frustration as she called her older sister in

"NEE-SAN! THIS IS HOPELESS..!" She yelled as Kanae came in and only smiled

"Ara, you mustn't push her, Shinobu~" Kanae said as she pats Shinobu's head; A vein popped from her head.

"It'd be easier if she could communicate! She hasn't said a word since yesterday!" Kanae only smiled as she hugged her sister.

"Now, now, She'll be fine!" Shinobu sighed as she got out of Kanae's bear hug. "She's way different, there's no way that's Kanao!"

"Ara, Shinobu. You mustn't say those things. She is Kanao and will always be Kanao, our little sister." Kanae explained as Shinobu only ignored her. A few minutes passed as Shinobu stopped arguing with Kanae. It was hopeless to do anything either way.

"Yo, is Kanao coming?" Genya said as he walked into Kanae's room.


"Yes, she is! Give us a moment, Genya~" Kanae smiled as she turned her attention to Kanao. Shinobu was fuming in anger as she sat in silence.

"Don't push yourself, okay, Kanao?" Kanao nodded as her sister kissed her forehead. "Let's go then!" The three sisters left the room as they headed toward the living room. Genya was already there waiting for Kanao.

"Take care of her, Genya." He nodded as Kanao went beside him and soon enough they were walking toward their school.

"Nee-san.. I still don't think it's a good idea to send her off to school like that." Kanae sighed and pat her head. They were standing outside watching the two walk away. "It's fine, she's grown up, Shinobu.." Kanae continued as she walked back inside the residence

"We should be heading off as well!" Shinobu stomped furiously on her way back inside.

She couldn't believe her sister still let her go like that.


Genya and Kanao walked in silence as he tried making small talk. 'This is harder than I thought..' Genya sighed as he stopped trying to make a conversation. There was no way she'd ever say a word to him; His sister-in-law already tried and didn't succeed. His luck was already going down the drain. As Genya and Kanao kept walking, Genya stepped on something and it grossed him out.

"Aw fuck. Dog shit." He muttered as a vein popped from his head. 'What a horrible day.' Kanao stopped to look at him. She didn't care that he stepped on dog poop, so she just kept walking.

"Ugh, now I have to run back home... there's no way that this day could get any worse."







It got worse. As Genya ran back to school, he was already late. The teacher only scolded him and let Genya go that time. His next class was Art and once he stepped into that classroom, he didn't know what was coming.

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