Chapter 5

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(A/N A part in this story will be in italic which is like showing what they said in the past in that exact same spot where they met. hopefully it won't be confusing... I also explained more of the italic paper so it would be easier to understand.. hopefully. Thank you for reading!)

Chapter 5:
I love you..

Another day of hell as Kanao quickly departed off her bed. The thumps of her footsteps against the floor woke Shinobu. Though the sun wasn't high in the sky yet and Shinobu's eyes still foggy, she could still make out a pile of wisteria petals which trailed into the bathroom. She quickly turned their lamp on as she jumped out of bed.

Shinobu flung the door open to see her younger sister on the floor kneeling next to the toilet, coughing up way more blood and flowers. It wasn't this bad last night.

"KANAO!" Her sister looked up at her; tears falling down her cheeks while she continued to cough. The sharp pain pierced through her body. What made this worse was the strong foul smell of wisteria mixed with blood. She hated that malodorous¹ smell.

Shinobu quickly bent down to hug her. She can't imagine the pain Kanao's going through.

"Can you breathe, Kanao?" Shinobu asked trying not to seem worried. Kanao kept coughing and coughing. High quantities of blood and wisteria petals come out as she coughed. Kanao shook her head, signaling that she could hardly breathe. 'fuck.' Shinobu quickly got up out the bathroom and yelled through the hall.




Kanae and Sanemi heard the sounds of running.

"What was that..?" She whispered to her husband.

"Probably nothing.." He replied as he pulled her close. He gave her a kiss on the forehead as they were both falling asleep again.

Kanae opened her eyes as she heard talking and yelling. 'Am I hallucinating..?' Kanae thought as she also heard coughing. 'Wait.. is that..-' Her thoughts were cut off as she heard her sister yell out..


Kanae and Sanemi jumped off their bed and swiftly put their robe on as they jolted out the room. While they ran towards the bathroom, Genya peered out from his room groaning.

"God, what time do you all get up.." He groggily said out loud as he shut his door.


Kanao sat on the edge of her bed while looking at her apple watch. There were countless missed calls and texts from Tanjiro. She sighed while looking at the time

'6:30 AM... so I was coughing for an hour straight..' Kanao thought to herself until she was startled by a knock. She stared at the door. "Come in.."

Genya walked in and sat besides her. "How're you feeling? 'Nemi told me what happened and wanted me to check on you." He said quietly. Kanao nodded as tears fell from her eyes. She wasn't able to bear the pain. Kanae had to give her pills which helped suppress the pain.

"'Nemi does care about you.. a lot." He continued. ' 'Nemi can be a softy at times.. especially when I almost .... yeah....' He thought as he hugged Kanao.

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