Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:
Family matter.


"So.. everyone's here. What'd you want to talk about, Kanae?" Genya asked. After he heard about the news from Inosuke he asked his brother to take him home as well.. Though, this happened way before he ruined Mr. Iguro's classroom; He wanted to make sure his sister-in-law was okay. He even annoyed the hell out of Sanemi to bring him to their residence. Kanae insisted on bringing him since this was a family matter after all.

"Well, we'd like to discuss about the matter of this disease," She looked towards Kanao.

"Me, Shinobu, and Sanemi made a decision on letting you choose.. Although we think it's better for you to get the surgery." Kanae squeezed Sanemi's hand. She didn't want her younger sister going through something all alone where she needs all of them!

Shinobu got up from the couch and sat next to her sister. "Kanao," She continued while hugging her younger sister.

"We want you to be okay.. I'm sorry for never noticing..." She said as tears fell from her eyes.. She felt guilty not knowing what her younger sister was going through.


"It's okay, it's not your fault.." Kanao said as she quickly covered her mouth while coughing. The pain of coughing up wisteria hurt. She couldn't suppress the urge to cough anymore; The more she coughed only made more petals fall from mouth. Covered in blood. The fowl taste of her own blood mixed in with wisteria made her want to puke. Her sister quickly took action to get a towel and make her some tea to hopefully help soothe her throat. There's no way it's different from a sore throat right?

Genya patted her back while she coughed into the towel. Kanae, her older sister, quickly made the decision. She couldn't risk her sisters life.. whether or not she cooperates will not matter.


A few minutes passed as she stopped coughing. They all sat in silence. The only noise was from Kanao who was sipping on her tea.




Kanao put her tea down on the table in front of her. She turned to her older sister as she quickly made her decision. She wanted to tell him. Tell him that it was all his fault that she was like this. No, that would be too harsh.. She rather have him live in guilt while she was gone. Kanao knows the consequence of the surgery, yet she wanted to ask her sister. She wanted the side effect to be fake. She couldn't bear to know that she wouldn't know him again.

Something that scared her about it was that it'll appear again. Again for the same boy.. The same one who is making her suffer now.

"Kanae... what will happen after I get the surgery.." She managed to say out loud. Everyone sighed in relief

"Well, it's best to have you out of that school and into a new one. After you get the surgery, there would be no memory of who he is.. Though I think it's better for you to leave this city.. but we'll go with your choice." She said as she walked over to Kanao

"We care about you and need you to be okay.. We'll be here with you with whatever you need." Kanae looked into her eyes while grabbing her hand

"We'll be in this together." Kanae smiled softly as Kanao nodded.

"Can I tell him about.. my feelings before?" Genya looked over at Kanao. He couldn't understand why she wanted to tell him

"Why would you want to tell him? It would ruin our friendship." Genya stated as Sanemi quickly hit him in the gut.

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Do what you need to do." Sanemi said as Shinobu sat there in silence. She didn't want her sister to go through the surgery.. yet it was the only way for her to live.

" The date of the surgery will be Wednesday. We cannot delay it any longer than that or.. you know what will happen.." Kanae said as she scrolled through her phone.

"There's not many appointments that day so we had scheduled you for Wednesday." Kanae smiled as her younger sister nodded. Genya frowned. He didn't want anything to happen to his friend. Genya knows that he will be guilty for life. Shinobu sat next to him and smiled.

"It'll be okay." She calmly said as she turned on the TV.

The decision was made. First, confession then it'll be surgery.


A few hours have passed as Shinobu was busy taking care of her young sister; She's doing better... at least that's what she thinks. Everyone ended up staying in Shinazugawa's home. Kanae thought it was better for everyone to stick together until after the surgery just in case something happened..

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"PASS ME THE SALT YOU IDIOT!" Shinobu yelled at Sanemi who was irritated. He grabbed the salt and poured it over her head

"THERE! HAPPY NOW?" Shinobu grabbed a pot and started chasing him.

"COME BACK HERE, SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI. YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!" Shinobu ran after Sanemi and smacked him on the head. Kanae rushed in to see Shinobu and Sanemi trying to murder each other.

"Guys!! Enough of this! You guys are supposed to be making dinner while me and Genya take care of Kanao!!" She yelled angrily as Genya looked over from the living room into the kitchen. He turned back towards Kanao who was trying her best to clean the stained carpet.

"They sure are loud today." Kanao nodded and giggled. Genya smiled. He was happy that she was feeling better than earlier.

"About Tanjiro... He's been sad lately and I wanted you to know that he's br-" Kanae cut him off as she ran towards Kanao.

"Kanao! Here!" She smiled brightly while handing her sister a gift.

"I mean to give this to you a while ago but I've been busy with patients so I didn't have time." She smiled as she pat Kanao's head.

"Thank you, nee-san.." Kanao smiles back at Kanae, who was walking back into the kitchen. Kanao turned back towards Genya. "Sorry, what were you saying?" Genya shook his head

"It's nothing, let's go eat dinner." He said as he got up from the carpet while stretching. Kanao couldn't help but wonder what he was about to say..

"Was he going to say that ..

Tanjiro's breaking up with Ozaki?" Kanao mumbled to herself under her breath. 'I doubt it..' Kanao thought as she followed her brother-in-law into the kitchen.

A/N Hurricane moment 😭 I'll get the rest of the chapters done hopefully

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