Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:


It was Friday night and Genya was at Shinobu's apartment.

"Only this time, Genya. Don't you dare forget her again, okay?" Shinobu said as she shot a menacing glare toward Genya. He nodded as he left his sister-in-law's apartment. He had originally planned to tell Kanae about wanting Kanao to join him and his friends at the mall tomorrow but Kanae was too busy treating patients and Sanemi would never agree, so Shinobu was the only one left to ask.

Aoi was the one who suggested asking Kanao if she could also come with them. She didn't want to ask so she made Genya do her dirty work. He sighed as he walked back home. He took out his phone and dialed Aoi.

He waited a few seconds until she answered.


"Hi, Aoi. Shinobu will let Kanao come tomorrow with us as long as I don't forget her again like the night before." He said while yawning. Aoi just listened

"Alright, Thank you." Aoi quickly hung up the call as Genya sighed and continued to walk home.

"Hopefully it won't be a bad day like these past couple of days..." He muttered


It was Saturday morning and Kanao had just woken up. She felt a sharp pain in her chest as she got up. Leaning against the walls, she tried reaching the top shelf for some painkillers. She quickly opened the bottle and grabbed a single pill and plopped it in her mouth. After a few minutes of leaning against the walls, she felt a bit better as she didn't need the wall's support, so she went over to her dresser to get dressed for the day.

Aoi had texted her yesterday about the hang-out at the mall. She didn't mind going but she had Aoi ask her sister... or so she thought Aoi did. When she finished, she looked into the mirror and stared at her hair for a while. She sighed as she went out of her own designated room into her sisters. She quickly ran through her accessories and found many butterfly clips given by their older sister, Kanae.

She grabbed a certain butterfly clip that Kanae stopped using. She stared at it and grabbed the other pair and walked out of Shinobu's room.

As she made her way into her own room, she thought of how she wanted to wear her hair with the clips. As she made her hair and put the clips on the side of her head, she realized it didn't fit her. She quickly took out one of the clips on her left side and looked at herself once again.

Kanao sighed in frustration as she also took that one out. She stared at the mirror for a while until she grabbed pieces of hair that framed her hair and pulled it back. She used the pink and green butterfly clip to keep her hair stable.

She smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. 'It looks decent...' She thought as she walked out of the bathroom. Kanao walked downstairs into the kitchen and she decided that she didn't want breakfast even though Shinobu was pestering her.

"I'll be fine, nee-san," Kanao whispered as she walked towards the front door. Shinobu sighed as she walked over and hugged her sister.

"Be safe." She said as Kanao nodded. She grabbed her hoodie and keys as she left through the front door. Her sister watched as her younger sister walked away from the apartment. 'Hopefully, nothing will happen to her.' Shinobu thought. Her phone started ringing and she quickly ran inside to get it

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