Chapter 5.5

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(A/N: You don't have to read this as it doesn't matter whether you read it or not. I just wanted to show how they ended up in the mess they're in rn)

Chapter 5.5:

Their Past + What happened

"Kanao!" She looks over her shoulder to see her best friend running towards her. She smiles as she runs to go hug him.

"It's been so long!" He said as he hugged her tighter. They were both the same height.

"You grew taller, Tanjiro." He sheepishly smiled as he nodded. "You were taller than me before." He said as he grabbed her hands. "The rest are waiting for us, let's go!" Tanjiro and Kanao both went running towards the lunch table where there were three people. She noticed one person and instantly hugged her

"Kanao! You're back!" Aoi yelled as she hugged Kanao. Aoi is Kanao's cousin and friend. They both consider each other as sisters instead! A blonde stares at the two and his jaw drops

"Tanjiro?? You've been cheating on Ozaki with her!???" He partially yelled out. Tanjiro blushed and shook his head.

"W-what are you talking about! We're just friends!" He yelled as he denied Zenitsu's accusation. Zenitsu glared at Tanjiro

"Don't you dare think of-" Someone hits Zenitsu on the head with their phone as they interfere the conversation

"He wouldn't, mop head." Kanao stared at the boy and walked over to hug him. This made Tanjiro a bit jealous as Zenitsu kept suspiciously staring at him.

"It's been long, hasn't it? I didn't get to attend the wedding because I had entrance exams for the Academy. I did get accepted.. though, the price was to miss 'Nemi's wedding...." Genya sighed as his mood dropped. Kanao saw this and assured him it was okay.

"I have some pictures and videos of their wedding. I'll send them to you later today." Genya got excited and hugged her tightly

"Thank you so much!" Tanjiro stared at the two and sighed. He couldn't help but feel jealous. Aoi noticed this and only giggled. Meanwhile Zenitsu was death staring his friend, Tanjiro. Though he wasn't dating Ozaki yet, Zenitsu didn't want Tanjiro to break someone's heart already.

Inosuke jumped from his seat and started pulling Genya's hair.

"Cut it off!" Genya yelled as Inosuke kept attacking him.

"WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THIS FOOD!" He hollered as Genya and Inosuke started fighting.


Around the 8th grade at the end of the school year, Ozaki had asked Tanjiro out. Reluctantly, he managed to agree. Though this bothered Kanao a bit, she hid her feelings.

She knows that she wouldn't be the ideal type for Tanjiro, right? Even if he's very popular because of his athleticism, they wouldn't fit together. For the most part, she was more of a reserved girl.


Friday... The night where she caught Hanahaki.... The night she regretted the most.





The two talked for hours sitting on the beach together laughing and talking. He got up and walked towards the ocean.

"For some reason I've always been attracted to the ocean.."

"Yeah right, you liar. Aquaman wannabe." Kanao blurted out as Tanjiro laughed. Kanao paused as it felt like eternity hearing and watching him laugh near the ocean standing there peacefully as he gestures Kanao to join him. She blushed as she walked over to him.

Tanjiro grabbed her hand and pulled her close as he started hugging her. Kanao felt like her heart could explode any minute now. She couldn't suppress her feelings anymore.. 'I fell for him.. didn't I..?' Kanao thought as they kept hugging.

"Hey Kanao.. Wanna dance?" He asked as Kanao nodded while avoiding to look at him. She's always noticed his gentle and kind eyes.. yet she didn't want to admit that she had fallen for Tanjiro. What brought her confidence down was how people treated her for being so close to him when they were younger. She was forced to suppress those feelings.. yet, they were too strong now. She couldn't help it.

Kanao decided it was time to look at him as they were dancing. She was nervous but managed to do so. It felt like time had stopped when the two stared at each other. Their eyes met each other as they both started blushing.

"WAAH! WATCH OUT!!" A yelling came from the distance as the two quickly let go of each other and turned their direction towards the owner of the voice.

Mitsuri and Obanai were doing something stupid on the beach like riding the surf board on sand. This pissed of Tanjiro as Mitsuri slipped off the surf board and went tumbling down towards the shallow part of the ocean.

"Hahaha.. sorryyy~" Mitsuri said as she opened her eyes to see Kanao and Tanjiro. Her mouth turn to an o shape as she stared at the two

"KYAAA!!!" She screamed out excitedly as her husband quickly ran towards her to make sure she was okay.

Apart from Obanai and Mitsuri ruining their moment, that was the day.. she got it.

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