Mother's Day Special

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A/N: 2 days late but Happy Mother's Day to the mother's out there!

[Tiny snippet before the ending.]


Droplets of rain fell, slowly pouring down in Japan. Tanjiro walked through the rain with an umbrella, looking around the area. The redhead was searching for a flower shop where he could buy some flowers for his mother. 

Tanjiro walked across the street, reaching a store with the outsides filled with flowers. He opened the door as bells chimed, indicating to the owner that a customer entered. Little pots of flowers were hanging from the ceiling.  Tanjiro closed his umbrella and placed it inside a bucket; it stood next to the door. 

The smell of the flowers started to hurt the red-heads nose. He covered his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie as he walked around. Due to allergies this made his nose extra sensitive. 

"Can I help you with anything?" A female voice questioned. Tanjiro turned around and shook his head. "No thanks, thank you though..." He stared at the lady in front of him. Realization hit him as he noticed who she was.

"Ah, Kanae-san, sorry for the informality..." Kanae grinned as she walked behind him to grab a bouquet. She handed it to him and shoved it into his arms as he stared in confusion.

"You're fine, I'm guessing this is for your mother? I'm certain she'll like those!" She chirped. Tanjiro gazed at the flowers before checking his watch. 'It's almost time...'

"Um, how much will it be?" 

"It's free, just make sure to keep my sister happy!" A blush formed on his face from embarrassment. They've been dating for a while but weren't used to people teasing about them. "Thank you, Kanae-san!"

The redhead quickly walked toward the door and grabbed his umbrella with his left hand while his right held the flowers. Tanjiro noticed it wasn't raining anymore and walked out the door, running home. Kanae smiled, watching him walk away into the distance.

"They're so cute together!" Kanae walked toward the counter and stood there, waiting for another customer to enter. 


"Here you go! Have a nice day!" Nezuko exclaimed as she stretched. She looked out the windows from behind the counter, noticing that it wasn't pouring. She hummed, before walking to the back of the kitchen. 

There stood a beautiful, decorated cake on the cake stand. Flowers made of icings were placed on top with the writing which wrote out: Happy Mother's Day.

Nezuko packed up the cake inside a box, wrapping the box with a pink ribbon. She carried the box inside the fridge as she heard bells chime. Nezuko sighed before closing the fridge and walking over to the register.

The raven haired girl noticed her brother walk in with Kanao. He was carrying a small, neatly, wrapped gift while his girlfriend held the a bouquet. This made Nezuko jealous. She wanted her gift to be way better than her brothers' gifts.

"You're here early." She bitterly spat out. Tanjiro smiled before walking behind the counter to grab a slice of cheesecake.

"Hey! You cant just take it!" Nezuko snatched the cheesecake away from his hands, leaving a startled Tanjiro. He blinked before snatching it away from her.

"Let me at least give her something as an appreciation for helping me!" Tanjiro handed a slice of cheesecake to Kanao who awkwardly watched the siblings fight.

"Whatever, close up the store. It's already 4 PM." The red-head rolled his eyes as he placed his neatly wrapped gift on the counter. 


"Happy Mother's Day!" Hanako ran over from her seat to hug her mother. Shigeru copied his sister's action which earned the two attention from people in the restaurant.

Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Takeo were talking about something before being interrupted by their sister.

"Nez!! Come with me!" Hanako dragged Nezuko out her seat, leading her to the ladies room. "Oh come on!" She groaned.

Tanjiro and Takeo stifled a laugh before they continued talking. Takeo glanced over to see Tanjiro's girlfriend talking to their parents and Shigeru. 'They sure have taken a liking to her.' He thought while sipping on his drink. This caught the attention of his older brother who frowned. 

"What's wrong?" Tanjiro questioned. Takeo sipped his lemonade before placing his cup on the table. "Nothing, continue." Said Takeo who looked over at his baby brother. Tanjiro's eyes narrowed before taking out his phone.

He opened his social media app, checking all the posts that he's missed for the past three weeks; They had gone on a trip with their family and Kanao of course! 'Genya and Sanemi went bowling a few days ago.... hmm...'

"His siblings graduated...?" He mumbled. Takeo looked over at his phone. "Yeah, you didn't know? I was surprised to hear that Ume majored in Physical Therapy." Takeo sipped his lemonade, loving the reaction his brother had on his face 

"What? And what did Gyutaro major in...?" 

"Take a guess," Tanjiro slammed his phone on the table, "Doctor?" Takeo choked on his lemonade as he burst out laughing.

"Doctor!?? You're wild, Tan!" The red-head sighed before covering his brothers mouth.

"And you're so loud..." 

"My bad," He giggled once more before calming himself. "Anyways, he majored in Physics. I thought you'd be able to get it!" Tanjiro huffed. He looked up to see Hanako running while Nezuko followed, trying to get her to walk. 

The two girls sat down before chatting with Tanjiro's girlfriend. Meanwhile, Tanjiro checked his phone before motioning to his girlfriend. She stopped her conversation with Nezuko and Hanako as she reached into her bag for something. 

Tanjiro grabbed the bouquet that he somehow hid secretly and handed it toward his mom. Kie stared in awe as she gave him a hug. All the attention  were on the two before Kanao handed Tanjiro the box he had earlier,

"Here's another gift, hope you like it, mother!" He gave his cheeky smile, watching his mother opening the gift he had gotten her. Kie opened the box and a beautiful pink pendant was place inside.

"Thank you, dear, I love it!" She gave her son another hug before she heard someone call her name.

"Umm, mother," Kie looked over at Kanao. She has starting calling her mother since Kie insisted that she did. 

The raven haired girl pulled out a small box before handing it to her.

"Happy Mother's Day... Thank you for being a mother figure for me..." She shyly expressed. Tanjiro stared in awe at the actions of his girlfriend. Kie smiled before getting up to give her a hug.

Nezuko chewed her straw in annoyance, she was waiting for the right time to give her mother her gift but they have all done it before her! Hanako looked over at her sister as she smirked.

"Get better," Nezuko glared at Hanako, "Don't even." 

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