Chapter 8

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A/N: Y'all I'm making Rokuta younger than what he canonically is- (I'm pretty sure their age difference is 10?? Tanjiro is 16 in this so... I'm making Rokuta younger... so he's like 1 1/2 years old rn and Hanahako and Shigeru are like idk 10 in this bc I will make them twins in this)


Chapter 8:


It was in the afternoon and simultaneously, Tanjiro sat in the clinic room while he waited. As Giyu promised, he was waiting for Tanjiro out of the room. Tanjiro pondered in his thoughts about what he should do. Guilt made him feel like he should deal with the consequences because after his best friend confessed to him, he figured out she had Hanahaki... Though, he had no idea she had gotten the surgery to have it removed. It pained Tanjiro knowing she had to go through this because of him.


A blood-stained cherry blossom fell from his mouth as it landed in his hands. He stared at it for a while before crushing it with his hands. Tanjiro sat in silence as he heard the door creak open

"You must be Tanjiro." An assistant nurse said as she walked into the room. She was carrying a clipboard and had a pen in her hair. Tanjiro nodded indicating he was Tanjiro.

"I'm just an assistant, soon to be Dr. Kocho~!" She proudly said as she walked over to Tanjiro "What seems to be the prob-" Someone had walked into the room. She groaned in annoyance as she turned while speaking

"Sorry, visitors can't be here." She bluntly said as she took a look at a male who was at the door. Her eyes widened in surprise as she blushed

"Giyu!?... I mean Tomioka-sensei!" She yelled as she continued, "...what are you doing here...?" She whispered as she used the clipboard to hide her face

"Kocho? I'm just here to be the ones answering the questions." She stared in confusion. Giyu sighed

"He refuses to talk," Giyu said as he walked over toward Tanjiro. Shinobu only nodded as she asked him a few questions.

A few minutes had gone by, and Shinobu had finished wrapping up her questions and quickly ran out of the room. The last thing she expected was to see Tomioka here.


Giyu sat down next to Tanjiro who stayed silent as he only continued to cough. 'More blood... It's getting into its later stages.' Giyu thought as a doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kocho. I'll be checking on you today." She formally said as she put her clipboard down on a counter. She walked over toward Tanjiro and pulled out an otoscope. 'Kocho... Is this the sister Shinobu was mentioning...?'

"From what's written on this paper... There has been a sharp pain in his throat but he is not sick..." She mumbled as she thought. 'Hanahaki...? There have been many people coming in here for that...' Kanae thought.

"Please open your mouth for me." She softly spoke as she bent down. Tanjiro opened his mouth as she examined his throat. She sighed as she got up and scribbled something on her clipboard. 'No infections... it has to be Hanahaki...'

"Do you mind if we do some x-rays?" She questioned while still writing on paper. Giyu looked at Tanjiro who just shrugged. The two stayed silent as Kanae muttered something under her breath.

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