Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Kanao grabbed her bag and slipped it over her shoulder as she walked out her house. Well, their family house to be exact. Though the weather was a bit chilly, Kanao can survive it. As Kanao locked the door she turned to see Aoi waiting for her.

"Sorry for making you wait long!" Kanao panicked as she quickly walked down the steps of her home.

"I just got here so you're fine." Aoi smiled at Kanao and they both started to walk towards their highschool.

"So have you made up your mind, Kanao?" Aoi questioned as Kanao nodded her head. Even if she didn't want him to know, she rather have him know before she dies. That's right, she'll be dead.. or at least that's what she thinks.

"Aoi, he has a girlfriend.. there's no way that he'll accept my feelings.." She muttered as her friend sighed. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"You never know.." Aoi said out loud as she stretch while yawning. As they reached their highschool, Aoi continued "..It's either that or you get that surgery." Silence filled the air as they reached the courtyard. Aoi looked over at her cousin and sighed.



"Please confess already!" Aoi yelled as she pulled her hair in frustration. Kanao blinked and spoke

"Aoi.. I'll try but.. the best would be to get that surgery. I'll tell Shinobu and Kanae about it today." Kanao said unfazed. Aoi hugged her and only got pulled away by a certain someone

"Hey, Maoi! Did you bring the rice balls you promised!?" Kanao only laughed as Aoi pulled his ear. Inosuke was one of Kanao's friends. She met him through Tanjiro.

"Hey everyone!!" A certain someone said as they came running towards the trio

"WAIT UP NEZUKO!!" A blonde yelled as he chased after his girlfriend. Nezuko didn't listen and ran straight towards Kanao.

"I heard what happened! You have to confess soon, Kanao!" She said as she grabbed Kanao's hands. Kanao glared at Aoi. "Sorry, I had to!! They were killing to know!! They even threatened to find out and tell him." Aoi whispered to her cousin.

"Maybe I will.." Kanao said as Nezuko sighed in relief.

"I'm sure that he likes you as well!" She yelled out loudly. Everyone in the courtyard started at the 5.

"Keep it down Nezuko!!" Kanao yelled quietly. Nezuko gave her an apologetic look as she sheepishly smiled.

"Who's the guy that likes you, Kanao?" Kanao flinched at the sound of his voice. She started sweating and felt the urge to cough. Aoi noticed this and only glared at Tanjiro

"Oh.. hey Tanjiro." Zenitsu said as he panicked around trying to find a way he could help his friend. Tanjiro frowned.

"What's wrong, Kanao?" He questioned. Aoi gave Nezuko a signal to take him away. She nodded as she dragged her brother.

"Let's go to class!"

"H-Hey let go Nezuko!" He yelled at his younger sister. He only stared at Kanao as Inosuke, Aoi, and Zenitsu gathered around her.

"Kanao, do you need to go to the bathroom!?" Aoi worriedly asked. Kanao nodded as Aoi helped her up.

"I'll take you there." Aoi said as she flashed a smile, hoping it'd make her feel better. Zenitsu and Inosuke only stared.

"What's wrong with Manao?" Inosuke asked. Zenitsu slapped him

"Jeez, you really are so dense."


As Aoi and Kanao we're running through the halls together, they bumped into him, again.

*Cough Cough*

"K-Kanao?" Tanjiro stared at the two who were on the floor. 'She... fell in love, didn't she?' He thought to himself. Kanao coughed and coughed as Aoi quickly got her up and ran towards the bathroom.

"Please be okay.." Tanjirou whispered under his breath.


They reached the bathroom and Aoi waited out the bathroom for Kanao as she made her lock the bathroom doors. She couldn't help keeping this from her older cousins anymore.

'Im sorry Kanao.' Aoi thought to herself as she dialed Kanae's number.

"Hello?" Aoi sighed as she replied back

"Kanae, it's me, Aoi. Can you come and get Kanao? I know she hasn't told you and I feel like it's my responsibility.. She has the..

Hanahaki Disease."

Aoi heard silence as the call cut. 'I hope Kanao's alright..'

A few minutes passed as Aoi paced through the halls waiting for her friend.


A vein popped from Aoi's forehead. "Curse the gods!" She muttered under her breath as she sat against the wall. No way was she leaving Kanao alone.

20 minutes had passed and Aoi has tried knocking the door but no one has answered. She only sat near the wall waiting and waiting.

She heard the door creak open and looked up quickly.

"KANAO! YOU'RE OKAY!" Aoi hugged her and Kanao smiled. "Sorry.." She apologized. Aoi shook her head

"You did nothing wrong.. Let's go to class. I'm sure the professor would understand.." Aoi said as she held her cousins hand.

They walked pass classrooms until they reached their own. Aoi opened the door to see Sanemi there arguing with their art teacher, Mr. Uzui.



Sanemi grabbed Tengen by the collar.

"Tell me wh-" Tengen pointed towards Kanao and Aoi. "SHE'S RIGHT THERE!" He yelled as he kicked Sanemi away.

"Oh you bitch, I will not forget about this!" Sanemi snarled as he walked over to Kanao.

"Let's go and leave this stupid fucking classroom." Tengen mocked Sanemi as he left the classroom. Aoi walked over and whispered something in his ear. Zenitsu sighed as he heard what she said. Tanjiro noticed this and smelled sadness coming from him.

"What happened to Kanao?" He asked his blonde friend. Uzui heard this and quickly started his lesson.

"Good Morning Everyone! We will learn how to flamboyantly paint Mona Lisa!" He exclaimed. Everyone sighed in disbelief

"Yes, Mr. Uzui."

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