The Aftermath

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Natalia's POV
*The morning after*
I woke up from my sleep to see Damon and Rebekah fast asleep both with their arms around me, but I didn't see Stefan. So I carefully got out from under them trying not to wake them. I got up without making any noise and went to the bedroom door to open it until I heard yelling. I continued out the door slowly and headed towards the stairs standing at the top to listen in with my vamp hearing.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT LAST NIGHT STEFAN!!" Elena yelled at him.
"Because I wanted to, I've always wanted to sleep with them both. I have no emotions Elena! Remember I flipped the switch. So I don't care what you think of me right now or if I lost you. I never loved you, you were just a play thing to me. So please shut up before you wake everyone else up!" He replied back.
"I don't care if I wake them up. Not after what I walked in on last night!" She exclaimed.
"If you're so mad then why aren't you yelling at Damon too? I know you and him have gotten close since I've been gone with Klaus." He asked her.

I got tired of listening to her complain and finally went down the stairs.

"Quite frankly Elena, Stefan can do as he pleases." I said making my presence known.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and walked towards them. I could smell the amazing breakfast Stefan was cooking for us all while he was arguing with Elena.

"Good morning Stefan, breakfast smells amazing!" I told him after I had purposely kissed him in front of Elena.

I could feel her eyes burning in the back of my head. I turned around smirking at her. I looked back at Stefan who was also smirking, then back to Elena.

"YOU!" She screamed as she charged towards me.

I vamp sped towards her grabbing her throat and pushing her against the wall.

"Listen here little girl, you do not scare me and if you ever try that again I will drain you of all your blood so Niklaus doesn't need you anymore and I can kill you." I threatened her.
"That was so hot!" Damon and Rebekah said as they came down the stairs.
"It definitely was." Stefan agreed.
"Now get the hell out of this house!" I told her as i released her.

She ran to the door hurriedly.

"AND NEVER COME BACK UNLESS SUMMONED!! I screamed so she could hear.
"We'll now that that's over with why don't you say we all eat this delicious breakfast I made for us." Stefan said setting plates for all of us around the table. We all sat at the table and enjoyed our food over light conversation. After we were done Damon did the dishes and we all went upstairs to get dressed.

"Why don't we take you girls to get your nails done? Huh? Have a nice Elena free day out? Sound good?" Stefan asked us.
"Sure why not. It'd be nice to spend time with each other like tue old days." Rebekah replied back to him.
"Couldn't agree more my love." I also replied.

We all piled into Damon's Blue Dodge charger and headed towards the nail salon right outside of town. Damon stopped the car and we all got out. We got inside the Salon and workers looked at us.

"Are you here to get nails done?" One of the workers asked.
"We are. Both us girls." I told the worker.
"We're you wanting gel for your nails?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am." I replied showing her a picture of what we both wanted.

(Rebekah's nails on top, Natalia's on bottom)

(Rebekah's nails on top, Natalia's on bottom)

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We headed towards the car, waiting outside for the boys to pay

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We headed towards the car, waiting outside for the boys to pay. After they paid we all got in the car and headed towards home. Damon stopped at The Mystic Grill for dinner. We all went inside and sat down. Matt came up to us to take our order.

"What can I get you guys?" He said with an attitude.
"I'll take a strawberry margarita as well as steak medium well with a side dish of mashed potatoes and A1 sauce. Also if I were you I'd cut it with the attitude because I will kill you." I told him.
"We'll have the same but a Bourbon for Stefan and i and bring the bottle." Damon told smirked at him.
"Of course, I'll bring it right out." Matt replied tight lipped as he walked away to get our order.

*20 minutes later*
Matt finally came back with our order 20 years later. He sat the plates in front of us as well as the margaritas in front of Rebekah and I. Then sat the bourbon in front of Damon and Stefan.

"Why thank you Matty Blue." I thanked him. He didn't reply just walked away. We all ate and drank our drinks. Stefan paid and we all went home.

"I had a really good time with you guys today. Even when I told Elena off." I told them.
"Me too. Thank you for taking us out and doing all this." Rebekah told them.
"You're welcome girls. Anytime. Honestly you telling off Elena was the best part of the day Nat." Stefan laughed.
"It definitely was, wasn't it." I replied.
"We'll we should all be getting to bed." Rebekah stated.
"Yeah we should. I call sleeping next to Nat!!" Stefan yelled while picking me up and running away upstairs. Damon did the same with Rebekah and let us at our room.
"Stefan, put me down you goof. Me and Beks can just sleep in the middle of you two." I told him as he put me down on the floor.
"That's true." He replied. We all laid down the pattern being Stefan,Me,Rebekah, and Damon. I snuggled up to Stefan, Rebekah snuggled up to me, and Damon snuggled up to Rebekah. We all dowsed off and finally went to sleep..

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