13. She's really a b-

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At lunch time I was alone. My friends said they have something important to do and will be a 'little' bit late and asked me to go before them and not wait. And I did. Because I was stupid and didn't know what'll happen.

This girl in university. She's all sassy, cringy and all came to eat at our school. It's not allowed for others from different schools to come to eat lunch at our school restaurant IF they don't pay. And yes, it was her who I never liked. Not her attitudes nor her actions, even how she behaves. Always hated her for some reason. Looks like today she came to take revenge though I just gave her looks and didn't talk about her anything.

"Hello you girlish boy" She came to me walking her annoying walk to where I was sitting on a four seats table. Her two friends behind her. "May we sit here?" She asked and I didn't reply or even look up at her "I'll take it as a yes"

The girl invited her friends and they sat together with me. I moved to the window side to not make any contact with them and continued my eating as if nothing happened.

"So how are you doing?" The one sitting across me asked and I didn't respond to her.

The first one let out a short sarcastic laugh and tried to annoy me "It seems like his life does not honor him" Thereafter the three laughed.

I don't have the appetite to eat anymore so I put my fork down and stood up. Took my plate and was about to walk when the sassy girl called me again "Did your lover leave you already? It hasn't been two months yet hahahahaha"

"Of course Hannah he will. Who'll even want to date him?"

"You're right. Just getting lured by his look" The other two continued babbling.

I turned my head to them and stretched my tongue out and smirked. The girl named Hannah became furious and slammed her hand on the table and stood up. The people stopped talking and the place fell in silence. All eyes are on us, as much as I hated attention I felt scared for a second right now.

"Who do you think you are to make fun of me??!" She shouted and I froze in my spot. Not knowing if I was scared of her or of doing something stupid if I'll stand up for myself.

Hannah kept on yelling at me until she said something dirty. Everything I don't care about, but for my dignity it's different "We used to go to the same school do you want me to expose you?? You were always no ones attention which led you to get depressed and try to commit suicide because you always felt outside!" After what she said some gasps were heard from the students inside and then I heard them murmuring.

"It was that time when you got harassed by our bus chauffeur when he lied to you to drive you home! And the next day a lot of bruises were on your neck and arms!!"

Of what she said, my 7th grade memories came back to me. That man... someday I'll kill him if I get the chance. She's right, I did get deceived by more than one person. Which made my parents to transfer me to an internal school where it's safer for me to go and get home. No one can interrupt me on the way or me getting lured by anyone.

"You never wore the short sleeved uniform after that and got your own one. Do you remember that? You were the school's storytell and-"

"SHUT UP!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I felt like my voice is disappearing after these two words. I want to cough but hid it to not seem weak, especially in front of all those folk. I don't want for the past to repeat itself.

"Oh, I forgot. I was very pitying you when my classmate soaked you in wat-"

"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Her two dummy friends tried to shut her up with frighten taking upon them.

My body turned to them and I walked slowly and stood in front of her. She looked at me and laughed a little then took the water glass and acted as if she was trying to drink. The girl stood up and 'accidentally' poured the water on me.

I shivered from the cold water and shook my head. She was taller than me so I was forced to look up at her and without any reaction, the plate in my hands, I raised it to my chest height and threw the contained food on her.

The students gasped and no one dared to speak. I looked at her disgusted face and slowly gazed at her body up and down then at the falling food on the ground that covered first her clothes and stained them.

We made eye contact and she was very mad. Can't believe that I finally made a step on her and me myself can't believe that too.

When she was about to make a move and slap me someone already beat her to that. I felt myself being dragged back with two hands on my shoulders. It was Seungcheol's friend.

"What do you think you are doing??" He yelled. I was shocked to see that. The kid the whole school know is peaceful, smart and mysterious for them is shouting in that tone. I looked up at him and he was seriously angry "Don't walk around and talk shit about others! Do you yourself accept that??"

She kept quiet and her mouth is only moving without her saying anything.

"Do you think I don't know about you either! You..... n-a-k-e-d-m-o-m." When Wonwoo uttered those words she gasped very wide and stood in her place, can't move. "Want me to continue?" The boy beside me smiled bitterly and raised his eyebrow at her.

I nudged him and he calmed me down with his hand as a sign that he's just playing around and wouldn't. Not long after, he dragged me outside and left everyone in shock.


The best chapter so far for me!

Thank you for voting everyoneee

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