36. A New plan for helping

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➤; 𝚂𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚕'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟.↶;
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When Seungcheol's auntie saw that someone was sick she cooked soup with smashed potatoes even though the clock was around 7 or 8 in the evening. Her daughter helped her while they let his mom take a rest.

Inwardly, Seungcheol felt too thankful for her doing without him asking for anything yet. Now, he's accompanying his mother talking about his career after graduation and university. He's interested in programming and technology but isn't sure if he should enter a normal university near his house or a better educational one far away.

While discussing, the little girl walked in with a spoon in her hand and handed it to me. It's my cousin's first child, Miyeong's older brother, he got married 4 or 5 years ago and got a girl who's 3 years old. She's cheerful, likes to talk with people, laughs a lot and helps her grandmother.

"Thank you Winnie!" I whispered to my mom what I'm supposed to do with it but then the little girl came in with two more spoons, she gave one to my mom and put the second one beside Jeonghan who was lying on the sofa. My mother kissed her cheek because of the cute behavior and started tickling her.

Soon, my auntie and Miyeong came with the dinner for us to eat, they too haven't eaten yet and was waiting for us. Before sitting on the dining table I checked out on the sleeping boy to make sure he's alright then sat beside Juwin. As expected from kids, she kept looking behind and asking why isn't Jeonghan eating with us too.

I wanted to talk with mom but she was busy talking with her sister. As I may say, Miyeong noticed that and asked me if I need something. "If you have ibuprofen that would help"

The girl was quick to respond, when she finished listening to me she stood up to go bring it which made me panic because she hasn't finished eating "Sit down, finish your meal first" She sat back and relaxed.

"How long have you known each other"

It took time for me to reply as I was thinking about her questions "Actually since I entered high school but we became friends only until last year" My answer shocked her to the point of choking on her food. I gave her my glass of water and laughed before explaining our situation "It's just that we didn't click with each other at first"

"Uhm. How did you become friends then?"

I looked around and saw everyone staring at us. I raised an eyebrow at them asking what's wrong and auntie hurriedly said "Nothing, you're still like how you used to be when you were kids"

By another perspective, Miyeong thought that Seungcheol didn't want to answer her question that's why he changed the topic by talking with her mother. But she did little know that the boy got distracted by them and forgot about her.

After everyone ate done, Seungcheol helped by organizing the table and made sure that Juwin is clean and ready to go to sleep then went to the kitchen to wash his hands. Miyeong was with Mrs. Choi doing the dishes, he asked if they needed help but his existence there reminded Miyeong of something.

"Right" She dried her hands and opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a small medicine cartoon "You asked 'bout this earlier" Then handed it to me before filling a glass of water too.

I didn't get the chance to thank her because my mom showered her with compliments. A smile occupied my face as I took the medicine and went back to the living room.

There, the men were sitting watching news on the TV. I ignored it and tried to wake Jeonghan up to eat something and take the pill. Luckily he was quick to open his eyes but the condition he's in isn't allowing him to stay awake and just wants to close his eyes and turn off the annoying lights.

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