Chapter 1

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"ANNA!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed into the phone.

"Woah, Y/N, calm down. What's up? It's 7 am, dude."

"I got the part in the TV show!!" I yelled.

"WHAT?????????" She yelled back. "Are you effing serious??"

"Dude I wouldn't joke about this! I got an email from them telling me that I got the part!!" I said. Anna was silent.

"Wow. I'm literally speechless right now. Have you told your mom?"

"No, I got the email just last night and could barely sleep. I should probably tell her, shouldn't I?"

"Yeah, you should. Hey you're gonna need an assistant, right?" Anna asked.

"Umm, maybe? Why?"

"I volunteer as tribute." She said. "We see each other everyday, so it would be weird to not see each other for a long period of time."

"Facts. Okay, if I need an assistant, it will be you."

"Okay perfect. Go tell your mom and then update me with what she says. K?"

"K. Bye, love ya."

"Love ya more!" And she hung up. I could hear my mom out in the kitchen and decided to get up. There was no way I was going back to sleep before I get this off my chest. I got dressed and went into the kitchen.

"Morning, sweetie." Mom greeted me.

"Morning, mom." I said back. I slowly grabbed the cereal from the pantry and a bowl. I set them down on the counter and stared at my mom for a minute.

"Okay, what is it?" She turned to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I innocently asked.

"You always stare at me when something is on your mind, so tell me what's up." She put her hand on her hip. (classic mom pose)

"Okay, don't freak out. Okay?"

"No promises, but I'll try. Wait you aren't pregnant are you?" She suddenly said.

"Eww mom, of course not. I haven't even had a boyfriend, so no. Definitely not pregnant."

"Oh hallelujah. I don't need you to make me a grandmother just yet."

"Can I talk now?" I asked. She nodded. "So about a month ago, I sent in an audition for a TV show that just needed good singers. I didn't think anything of it until I got an email last night from the film studio telling me that I got the part. I'd be living in California for a few months until filming is over, and I can do school from there. I'm sure my professors wouldn't mind switching me to online school for the semester." She didn't say anything. "Mom?"

"You got a part in a TV show?" I nodded. "Like a main part?" I nodded again. She screamed. "OH MY GOSH Y/N I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!" She came over and hugged me so hard. "I knew that you were amazing!! It was about time that someone finally realized it!" She kissed my cheek and pulled me into another hug. "I love you so much, Y/N. You are amazing. You deserve this so much." She teared up.

"Mom, are you crying??" I asked.

"I'm just so proud of the amazing young woman you've become!!" She wiped her tears.

"Oh mom, don't cry! You're gonna make me cry!" I started tearing up.

"Look at us. I guess sympathy crying runs in the family." She laughed. "Whatever it takes, you are doing this. You deserve nothing less." I looked at her.

"Really? You're serious? I can do it?"

"Of course you can! I want nothing more than for you to do what you love." Suddenly my dad walked into the room. He saw us crying and walked back out. "Woah woah woah, honey. Get back in here." He slowly walked back in.

"Happy or sad tears?" He asked.

"Happy." My mom said.

"Oh good. What's happening?" He asked.

"Y/N got a part in a TV show!!!" My mom said proudly.

"What?? I didn't even know you auditioned or anything!" He said shocked.

"I only told Anna about it. I didn't think I would get it, but apparently they really liked my singing voice. That's all I needed to audition. Oh I need a headshot." I suddenly told my mom. She nodded.

"Of course. Do you want me to hire someone?"

"No mom, it's a simple headshot, they just want to see what I look like. You can take one for me."

"If you say so." She smiled. I love my parents. They are so supportive and amazing. I'm so lucky to be blessed with people who love me this much. We ate breakfast and talked more about what I'd be doing. They agreed that Anna should be my assistant, which is the best choice. I wouldn't have it any other way. We talked a little bit about the living situation, but couldn't discuss much since I don't know a lot about it. I showered and got ready for mom to take my picture. She was fawning over me telling me how beautiful I looked. Oh moms. Gotta love them.

Dear Brian Brown,
Thank you so much for this opportunity. I am so grateful and lucky that you chose me! Here is my address, phone number, and headshot. I can't wait to work with you and the wonderful people at Entertainment Management.
Thank you again, and I hope to hear from you soon!


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