Chapter 13

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I got out of bed and went into the kitchen, only to find Louis sitting at my counter eating cereal.

"Good morning, sunshine." He smiled at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while yawning. I went over to the cabinet and grabbed some cereal of my own.

"Anna and Jackson wanted some alone time, so I came over here to eat breakfast. Great cereal options, by the way."

"Oh gosh. That's how it's gonna be from now on, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah, probably. But that means that we get to spend a lot of time together, if you know what I mean." He winked at me. I punched his arm.

"Shut up, Louis." He laughed. We ate while sending each other random TikTok's and talking every once in a while. I went back into my room and got dressed for the day. When the clock read 6:30, I got a text.

Hot people

Hot daddy
Brian just texted
He's here
Let's go slow people

Lover girl
Well if you 2 would stop making out
We wouldn't have to worry about being slow

Hot momma
Shut up
Not like you guys haven't done it

Lover boy

Hot daddy

Lover girl
Sorry that I'm not a player like you

Hot daddy

Lover girl
Just speaking the truth

Lover boy
Guys stop fighting
Time to go

I grabbed my bag and went back into the living room. The door was open, and I heard the other 3 out in the hallway.

"Okay I'm here I'm here. Sorry I was late."

"It's fine. Let's just get going." Anna said. She grabbed my bigger bag and we went to the car. I had to bring a bunch of random stuff, like clothes, chargers, shoes, makeup, jewelry, blankets, etc. We got into the car and I sat by Louis this time.

"Good morning young prodigies! Are we ready for the first day of filming?" Brian asked.


"I'm so nervous." I said.

"Don't worry, Y/N. You're going to be great."

"Thanks, Brian." I smiled at him.

Hot people

Hot daddy
Hey can we tell people about our relationship

Hot momma
Yeah is that okay

Lover boy
I don't see it being a problem

Lover girl
I think it's fine.
But as far as you know
Me and Louis aren't dating
Got it?

Hot momma
Got it

Hot daddy
Got it

Lover boy
Got it

Lover girl
Oh and please no making out on my couch again
Please please please

Hot momma

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